Have not seen the calendar or shots chosen yet. Hopefully I get at least 2 or 3 months with the models I shot.
Easter portraits are done... well the shoots are done. Still wainting on proof selection then editing. Kids were pretty good. Now the birthday pics for the 2 year old.... well..... lets just say he was very serious. Not a single smile!
Really love shooting kids! They are so natural. They don't always give you what you or the parents want, but they always give you good stuff nonetheless.
Summer is ending and fall is approaching. Cooler nights are here (sometimes) and thoughts turn to fall and the upcoming explosion of colors.

I have so many projects I would like to get done yet with warm weather, but I can't help thinking about the fall colors and upcoming projects and ideas to explore at that time.

It seems I come up with more ideas...
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It has been pretty decent of late. Of course the recent rain has found it's way into my basement, but that will dry out.

In general work has been cruddie but that is to be expected and not too bad that I can't handle it. Lots to do and several people are out of the office for various reasons, but I am holding my own....
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OK so it is raining again today. Crud! Found out yesterday that my wash machine is broke. This week I will hopefully take a look at it to see if it is something simple. So much has been going wrong lately, I am just too depressed to mess with it. Ughhhhh.
Back from NYC Business trip. Resisted the call of B & H. It was so close to hotel, and meeting sites that it was hard.
I am starting to realize that I am an old fart. I think I WANT to be the angry old man on the corner. This year it has been good, but that last few years I get the skate rats "practicing" outside my house and all summer that was all I heard. I mean they never stuck a trick. I was just terrible.... vvvvvvvvvrvrrvvvv, cluchunk.... vvvvrrvvvvvrrrvvv, cluchunk, over and over and over and over.

I have been thinking of spreading gravel on the road, but this year they seem to have moved to the other corner. You have cars... go to the skate park and suck there!! Sheesh!!!!!
And no I have nothing against skaters... just really, really bad ones that try to do the same thing (and never succeed) for like 4 hour a night and 4 days a week on average. Take up riding a bike or gardening or just go hang out at the mall or something because skating is not a skill set you have!

Angry old man
Birthday shoot done. Next weekend we have a 1st Birthday and a Family / Mother's Day portrait shoot. Still waiting on orders from the Church Portraits of a few weeks ago. I see a lot of editting / post work in my near future.
Easter has left the building.... and left wrappers all over the floor