Texas is out, as are all of the number one seeds which means two things. One, my brackets are fucked and two, there has been a whole bunch of good basketball. Both of these scenarios are maddening.

listening to::.Panda:: La revancha del principe charro
You've done disappeared, boy! eeek
PRODUCTIVITYmakes me feel better about myself. As I have been bitching about it for quite some time, it is the reason I hate my day job, it slows my productivity. I have to work late and sacrifice sleep which affects my performance on the job but I do not care I would rather draw than do paper work. All of this to say that I...
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I made a budget this month so as to avoid the pitfall of coming up short at the end of the month as well as to start saving some money and I have to tell ya that being this responsible sucks. It is much more fun to spend at will but I have to start sving for various upcoming moves. I hate money.

I love,...
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sorry to gush, but...
thats all i have for tonight.

listening to::..white stripes::elephant
it is saturday night at 11:30, i have been in all night because i am very tired. last night was a rawkua evening filled with much tequila and revilry. i went out with my friend who bought a drawing from me and we were celebrating well into the morning.

today i saw the armory show and it was as massive as it usually is. scott...
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it is 1:30 in the morning and i find myself asking familiar questions, should i have that other beer? my better judgement says no but i have been known to ignore said judgement.

random thought i miss the sub shop, longhorn subs? the non-texadelphia shop, by the art department law school area? I miss that place, or I have a memory of really enjoying the...
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Thanks for all the suggestionsbiggrin

very jeff koons

hm...i guess i could see that.

at any rate, thanks for commenting on my set smile

I really would be much happier if I did not have to go to work. I was reviewing my blog, that I have not written in since December and am saddened by the fact that this activity has taken a very back seat. I like writing and blogging about art that I view, but alas job=no time to look at art=very little to write about+little...
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last night i had a fight with my fiance. we were both to blame or at least equally in the wrong. it was our firstreal fight and to be perfectly honest i would be just fine if we never had another one.
looking for jobs today because i hate mine and i have the day off today.

listening to::.slayer::reign in blood
getting better.
i actually had the energy to clean my studio today. who knows maybe ill get to work tomorrow as i do not have to go to my job and i have a million ideas swirling around my head, which is never a problem until i have to start something new. but it could be worse. i could have to go to the JOB....
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so much for the noreaster, it was supposed to blizzard last night but apparently mrs. nature had other plans. i slept til noon, am making tea, feel like shit and have no plans. other than resting, mdicating myself and eating.

listening to::. modern life is war::witness
sick, again. ahh the joys of working with little kids. let me see it has been a while. I sprained my ankle lecturing at hastings college then a week later my apartment was burglarized and my laptop was stolen along with my ipod, keys and my bag from work more than likely to carry the booty in. so i recently replaced my computer and ipod...
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