i moved! i have the best apartment ever! my face hurts from smiling so much. i <3 every boy i work with for helping us out. and because they are amazing. i love life so hard core right now. smilesmilesmile:]
This time of year always weighs heavily on my heart.

Everything important happens between October and January.
Yea I wouldn't of expected to find you on here, if not for any reason other then the obscurity of finding any other people I know on here. Im glad to hear that California is treating you so well. I actually almost went out there for school myself but decided I can get the same undergraduate program anywhere. Which I'm glad I did because I met an awesome girl who I've been dating for almost 7 months now.

.. October through January always seems to make me a bit melancholy as well. I never seem to notice til someone points out my mood through these months before I connect the time frame.

So are you in school out there? Hows the family? I also likewise hope that you are happy. Til we talk again, take care.

[Edited on Jan 02, 2006 11:05PM]
It's funny, I get bored and click on my hook-up tab, glance towards my recommended section and find this girl.

How do you say 'Hi' to someone after a few years of, while inadvertently, not talking? awkwardly.

I hear (and by that I mean read) that you moved to CA for school. How's that workin out? I hope well.

How you can look short in a headshot I'll never know. But you look well, I hope everything else is too.
Yesterday, President Bush caved to the demands of the far right and nominated anti-choice Samuel Alito to replace moderate Justice Sandra Day O'Connor on the Supreme Court.

Alito's record on choice
Alito's record shows that he would not only vote in favor of laws that make it more difficult for women to access abortion care - he would likely vote to overturn Roe v. Wade...
Read More
i'm stealing internet from my neighbor...tehe. i missed sg!
also, i have a myspace. http://www.myspace.com/12266997

write me a letter and i'll be your friend
That is a really cool myspace page.
yep. sure will.
so i havent updated in like a month because i just moved. i drove cross country and i'm staying with my uncle and cant really go on SG as there are 3 small children at my side ALL THE TIME...i miss you guys. lifes been INSANE recently, go to my live journal to find out what i've been up too. www.livejournal.com/users/swamisays toodles!

and why is it that i get bold and talk to boys just before i leave a place? why am i so shy the rest of the time? well thats it, no more shy, i'm so sick of settling.
I'M THE SAME WAY. Which is an even worse quality in men, who are always expected to take initiatives.

However, you could also say that we are playing the hard-to-get mysterious play, but usually with me they just guess me to be gay when I do that. whatever
Haha, I know exactly what you mean. I used to always do the same thing.