Wow, people!

I havent posted nearly as much as I would've liked....I ended up neglecting most of my social networking for Twitter.....but...

But, Ive learned somethings recently, so Ill share.

First off, this post is all coming from a post to me...so don't read it as an inquisition.

But first, set your ego aside if you want to get things done!

People such as...
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How to helm a rock band---101.

Okay, here's a post that will ring true to many musicians and bandleaders out there.

Okay,I'm not or do not equal myself to be a bandleader, however that is the position that was put into place for me.

I'm not a dictator; I'm not a control freak. far from it. I'm a control freak in the sense that if...
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Let me add - that don't mind playing Metal.
Welcome back!

it's been sometime since my last post.

I'm a person that loves the fringe side of things.
I love things that are outside the norm....

that's why i love remaining here. It's not just because there are so many talented and amazing women here, and they celebrate the beauty of the female form; it's also that there isn't another place like SG out there...
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It is groovy. I like logging into SG once a day and checking my messages, then checking out the new sets of the day and potential SGs. There is NOTHING in the world like a woman's body. NOTHING. I've been to a great deal of beautiful places and as much as I love the outdoors, I could stare at a beautiful woman nekkid longer than I could stare at a waterfall or a sunset. Don't get me wrong, I love the latter 2, but I'm just sayin'.

And yeah, there are a lot of people here that I can visualize myself hanging out with and having a drink with, or just chillin'. I've only been here a few months and so many neat people.

here's a fucked up idea i had whilst smoking a ciggie drunk one night. If someone gave you a 10 million dollars, and all you had to do was end every single sentence you spoke with the word "penis". would you do it?
you'd have some electronic scanner to make sure you said penis. but would you do it?


Also, I was looking...
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sometimes i ask openly honest questions. not fiendishly honest...but case in point....

i was in the bar of a really nice hotel in Amsterdam, and i ended up chatting with a really beautiful lady from London, she was gorgeous.

It seems to me that really formative times in my life that radically change my view or outlook on life...i end up missing the details...
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I don't expect anyone to understand this blog.

Mostly because, I don't understand it either.

I've been brewing an ancient medicine known as Ayahuasca.

I've been shown things I never knew existed. Seen things of life that rang true to my heart.

A very brief history to myself and how I approach life is simple. I've always wanted to know more. If I had to...
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What has the human race done for the world? It seems to me, at least....we've become so focused on ourselves......lost in our own gadgets and so called civilization that we've lost the story....we've lost the point to all of it.

We've killed, pillaged and plundered in the name of ourselves. We've become the species that Gaia....the spirit of this planet would be appalled.

Jung talked...
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Hey... I was browsing, and noticed your profile. #2- #6 of your favorite movies are also some of my favorites, but I've also seen magnolia and totally didn't understand it... especially the raining frogs at the end. Maybe you'd care to explain it for me?
And there are also many many kind & compassionate people also...sometimes it just seems the balance is very skewed to the negative. But there is always hope and not to be cliche but peace begins within in each one of us. biggrin

Hope you have a great week smile

"Be the change you wish to see in the world"
- Ghandi
im in a very pensive mood. ill listen to 80s music. it puts me in a reflective mood. ill listen to songs i grew up listening to. some songs bring back very fuzzy memories...the kinds you have where you are remembering your childhood, and just certain parts of the memory triggers you to remember it.

it's more of a feeling than anything. like when i...
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happenstance to the world...im either half scared...and shaking..or maybe im just excited.

i didnt tell anyone at work except for a few people....i have a secret to tell.....meh.....well.....im dying to say something at least.

in order to do that...lemme rewind back 9 months back to november a few days before my birthday.

i had a music attorney shop a demo around for me back then....
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damn, i woke up in the most cynical of moods for some reason. i sometimes can fake being ok. but nah....a co worker was talking to someone and was mentioning how upbeat he usually is, and how rare it was for someone to answer when asked "how are you?" and he replies "GREAT!" with genuine enthusiasm. and he says in mid sentence, "you know, most...
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HA HA HA, I am in a good mood this morning, for some reason, lol, wink wink, but I also sometimes just wanna shout to the world, leave me the F*@% alone.

by the way i tried your link it froze can you give it to me again I am realy looking for new stuff to work with? (songs)