yeah last weekend was fucking awesome. i went to the suicidegirls show at the boardwalk it was such a good show. i ended up getting to be apart of one of the skits. i got to play the part of the dummy. i got molested and beat up on stage. it was fucking awesome. also at the show i ended hooking up with this chick....
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yeah this weekend was something else. it wasnt the greatest but still another life experiance. o got so fucked up on friday. i was at a party and i waited half the night for the alcohal, well it finally came and i got pretty waisted. all i remember is sitting down on a recliner and then i woke up in a hospital where they were...
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well not much going on with me lately. my newest project at work is a 70 nova. its going to be pretty nice. the only other thing thats new in my life is my babys mom has broken up with me and wants to take my baby and move to alabamba. thats fucking gay. oh yeah and my old band wants me back. thats about...
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well iam moving on sunday and i would have to say that iam not ready to leave my little girl. iam going to miss her very much. around august my baby and her mom will be moving up with me but that is way to far away. although they will still be visiting me hear and there. hopefully i will at least be making more...
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aww she looks so cute!! tell her i say hi!
things are going by way to fast. it is only next weekend that iam moving. its going to suck. the trip that i get to make is a 10 hour drive, and that is in a regular car. i will be driving a huge ass uhaul with a car being towed behind that. definately not something that iam looking forward to. and the worst thing...
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well it makes me very sad to say that at the end of the month i will be moving back in with my brother in northern cali. which ultimatly means that i will hardly ever see my beautifull daughter. i wish so much that i didnt have to move. but if everything goes ok then my daughter and her mother will be moving in with...
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Hope that time will pass quickly for you until you're together again smile
well today was my birthday and i would have to say i didnt do much. i started at my new job, well its not really that new i just went back to the company i used to work for since they offered me more money. but after that i went to school. the only thing i did that i havent done in a while was...
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well i hate to say it but i now longer live with my girlfriend and baby. well see this is whats been going on we live with her parents and they have been fighting for a while so we decided that it might be a good idea if i moved out. so pretty much i got kicked out and now live with my friend from...
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Im sorry dude that's horrible, im glad you still get to see your baby
I am sorry darling!! but happy birthday HUGS
well everyone iam sorry its been so long but i have some great news. yesterday at 10:27 am my beautifull baby was born. she was 19 1/2 inches long and 8 pounds 11 ounces. she looked so beautifull. i have never been hapier in my life. her name is harlynn lorilei henderson. and i love her so much. if anyone would like to see her...
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congratulations dude, that's some good news.
yeah iam pretty happy.
hey all. well things are starting to get better for me. i got offered a job at midas as a tech so i took the job. iam now making almost twice what i made at my old job. at midas i have a gaurunteed 400 a week but can make more than that easily. i also now have a new car. its a 01 vw...
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i hope i find a job soon, 400 a week is great i think. i would also like to get a new car.