What a fuckingCockshitcuntbagmothelickingToeJamOutHerscrawnyasscrackballsack day this has been.

That is all...

Except it's not, I spent most of my morning at work feeling like a prize asshole, yes I'm thick, yes I'm stupid, you can take over from because I've only been training for a week and can't remember what codes I need to specify what conditions i'm returning this unapplied payment. so what the fuck...
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Sounds shite, Eats lots, watch crap in bed and sleep.
That sounds like a crappy day. Liza has it right, nom some yummy foods, watch cheesy telly and wrap up in a blanket. Watch youtube videos. Feel better soon <3
I'm back baby! BOOM!

hello, two very horrible things happened this week, someone did not close the front door properly, with the cold weather the door swells and my sister in law who has done this once before a few weeks ago left the door slightly ajar when she returned from whatever event they went to on the sunday. I awoke on Monday to find...
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like it on facebook too! my page will get more traffic lol
Woah I didn't realise that was the reason you weren't online. Sorry man that sucks frown

Thanks for your comment <3 Glados is such a bitch lol! But that song definitely cheered me up.
I was listening to the radio the other day, when I heard "hanging by a moment" by Lifehouse and as it played, I was taken back to 2001.

Back then I was depressed, low confidence kind of guy, with no social life....my how times change! biggrin

But seriously, I was in really messed up place, I went to the doctors with depression and I got one...
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I like this blog <3
The Green Mile!!! Thank you!! YAY. <3
Normality reigns, well abnormality or whatever, but that crush is as forgotten as a certain Jennifer Paige song.

I love how temporary my brain can be.

So I watched the second Silent Hill film, it was pretty awful, I liked how creepy it could be, but because it was originally in 3D there was lots of pointless gore and limbs, filangees and scary heads all...
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That's part of the challenge, oma. You stop caring about the opinions of people who don't matter.
Won't be too negative, but my emotions are ricocheting all over the place that I'm just waiting for my body to TILT! TILT! TILT! so all these contradicting thoughts can shut down and then I can return to being my calm self (that's the theory at least, too much wishful thinking.) I've not felt like myself all day, the past couple of days in fact....
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^ +1
Cheap last minute holiday deals can be the best holiday deals smile
I never get the positive outcome, therefore there is no point to even consider it. Moving on...
I'm supposed to be asleep but low and behold I'm not smile

I was asked, or rather told not to bring this up in chat and to let it go, but I just want to put my side of things out there and you can simply not read this, should you so choose.

Chat was talking about sex (tis the norm after all) and the subject...
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I can understand why someone would not want you to bring this up and chat, it's quick to misinterpret. a big finale is often worth the wait. ;]

I was on MFC for a little bit, but I got bored with it far to quickly!
would you believe me if I said I actually enjoy the conversations on MFC more than the actual shows? probably not. But tis the truth. Barbiechuu is basically the suicide girl who never joined suicide girls :|
Kind of contradiction to my previous blog.

at 5:30: I had quit chat in rage, yes I was so pathetic that I got all worked up, pulse racing because of something so simple as chat... and you wonder why I hate myself sometimes.

Edit: deleted the details, but me and Effie just don't see eye to eye, she's just never gotten me, or vice versa,...
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I really want to write something positive, and the best writers can draw from all kinds of scenarios, real or imaginary.

I lack that level of intelligence...so I'll try and make this as un-me, as possible?

I just want to say thanks to everyone on Chat, I don't have the best life (I don't have the worst either I know, but when you're so anger...
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Why move out, unless you have a solid career and some options. Don't just do it because of peer pressure.

Find something you like doing and give it ago. For the record I didn't go to Uni either and chat is a good release.
Fuck my life. it sucks, has always sucked, will always suck hereafter. Fuck it all, fuck everything.

I apparently have no soul, I'm still pondering if that empty void is actually empty or if it is filled with bile and human excrement which would explai nthe rest of my lacklustre existence.

I was not made for this earth, if I was I would have had...
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I hope you're feeling a bit more positive. I'm glad you're back to
Omaru and I'm sorry you get so down on yourself. Have you ever tried to see someone about this all? I know it may sound silly but it has helped me during hard times in the past. <3
No, I went to a doctor once around 10 years ago and said "I was depressed" I got one psychotherapy session and a months supply of ciprimil and I never got called back, so I've never really trusted doctors since then. I'm usually good and it only annoys me I guess every six months or so. Most of the time I don't fret about my ugliness and I don't usually care about social awkwardness cause I'm not overly fond of the people I work with, somedays it would be nice to get on with people better but 98% of the time it's nicer to just be able to sit down and read uninterrupted.

I guess I'm more worried about the long term, I was never smart enough to go to uni so I've never lived alone or have any semblance of what it is to be self reliant. But my mom will be 71 this year so I always feel like I have that biological clock ticking away before the rug gets pulled from under me, When my brothers moved out it was pretty much because they had partners to move in with so I guess I feel like maybe I'm not living up to the the 'standard' but also don't really know what I should be doing to change.
Back to work... for 3 weeks, 3 long miserable weeks, then off work for 2 weeks, 2 weeks that will probably just fly by.


And shortly after that my account here will be up, and I feel like it's not worth renewing. And I might be so fortunate that other aspects of my life might also come to such an abupt end, I refuse...
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Gotta get myself connected.

Okay this is pissing me off, I keep connecting to SG chat and I just keep getting timed out or stuff, cnd it must be this ned because there are people in the chat itself.... I just wanted to show my face (not literally) because I've been absenst for so long.

A week ago I attended my first real gig, I...
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<3 Im always here when you need me <3