i never come to this site but for some reason i continue to pay for it? so im gonna start trying to get my moneys worth one way or another. i think its partly because there are so many people i cant keep track of who i would like and dislike.
i am however a regular at
and hcmagazine
first ones a small well...
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nice ink!
yeh, i'm not really sure why i keep coming back to this fucking site either.

del and the faint rock. yep.
if anyone has some ticket info you can claim your hugs and kisses at cainhawk333@hotmail.com.
ive decided that almost every conversation is pointless and that people (even most of all friends) are like cheap egg timers, just clicking away, saying the same thing not listening not progressing just a bell waiting to ring for some pointless reason. i have nothing good to say but i never front that i do and it seems like the the only people i can...
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i got a wisdom tooth pulled today. i was scared all week and then it didnt hurt at all, what a rip. i didnt even know they didn anything to me. one min im joking with the nurse and then everyone is just standing there in the same spots looking at me. except for the fact that its still bleeding a little 12 hrs later...
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yay for stephen king and pretty boyz....* kiss love
"i even wrote them a bad check to pay for it because im broke. stupid dentists!"

Thats awesome!
ok im changing my journal again after like 3 min because i just remmembered that there were gun shots across from my house last night at around 12am and it was scary. anyway i was just out at my car getting a box of cloths and thinking about the gunshots and a hose started regurgetating some water or something and i almost dropped the box...
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mon, nov. 23 i get my wisdome teeth pulled. im scared, actually im such a pus im only getting one pulled (no really i am but its more because im a broke ass pus than just a pus)
my tooth hurts.
i read obout this in the paper the other day. its kind of cool, ive been waiting to finish reading the dark tower series
virtual S.King: new dark tower
i think new teeth are ripping through my gums...
its a substantial toothache...
to say the least
so i was on this thing...looking at peoples pictures...
i guess you could say i'm nosey...
and well i love your tattoos...
camille rose garcia is like one of my favorite artists these days...
i already had somethings planned on myself of hers...
probably her peppermint man...
hmmmm very interesting...very interesting...
i went by myself last night to see rilo kiley at the abbey last night, the show was really great, i like Head of Femur and the second guy Matt Ward was very good. Rilo Kiley played much better than i had expected, id never seen them before and am very glad i did, this ws one of the best shows ive seen in a...
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bad lot, hunny. but bad stuff always happens in sets. hope things perk up soon.
I read the whole damn thing and I use your link.. and I get this:

We're sorry, tickets for this event are no longer on sale.

now you must tell me what it is and what I missed out on..

im starting to figure out that i should just be alone forever, maybe its because im reading henry rollins but i think ive known this already. ive had a lot of time to think latly. i have a long drive to work every day and my car's cd player got stolen about a week ago, my boombox ran out of bateries 2 days ago and...
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i saw one of the greatest things ive ever seen the other day. i was walking out of work and on the trunk of a car there was a baby praying mantis. it was bright green and big enough to fit on the tip of my finger. imagine the intracasy and awsomeness of a praying mantis crammed into the tip of your finger. when i...
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that's awesome!!! mantises creep me out, but they're so facinating. so damn smart. i think that's why they're creepy.
one summer i stepped out onto the back poch and there was a mantis LYING DOWN. just taking a nap in the sun or something. i saw it... then it saw me. it got up and gave me a really dirty look, then walked away. i spent the whole day telling everyone i saw that i caught a praying mantis taking a nap.