So I spent the morning catching up friends and family and found out that my 1/2 brother is in jail for being a deadbeat dad (loser mad ) and one of my childhood friends is a pro wrestling promoter in Virginia. Those were two updates that I really wasn't expecting.

So one question is do I bail out my brother? He can't make bail ,but my...
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if he cant afford bail 4 himself he prolly cant help being a deadbeat. i love catching up with old friends!! i just hate afterward when u always promise to keep in touch and u never do. frown
Well, I got the piercing today. An 8g Frenum is what I decided on. I went to Body Modifications in SF and they were great! It didn't hurt as much as I was expecting and right now I can hardly feel it (the pain that is). It did ache earlier as I was walking around. We'll see how it feels tomorrow.

When it heals in...
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i hope u dont end up being that guy that ginggles when he walks. although funny at first it ends up being annoying.
hah. i thought about that, but no. I'm not gonna go crazy down there. I may get a scrotum ring but I'm not going to do any PA's or ladders.
Ah, sleep. I finally got some last night. smile

It's been overcast out here the past two days but I like it. Its usually so sunny out here every day that I actually look forward to rainy or cloudy days just to break up the monotony.

Looks like it will be another busy day at work. We're at the tail end of a project and it's...
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i dont know what id do without my 8-10hours plus of sleep. i get home from work at like 1am so when i pass out at 4 no one gives me shit for waking up so late, as long as i make it into work the next day on time im good. i love not being out in the real world yet. mommy and daddys house kicks ass.

i havent seen a peircing i havent liked yet so you can do no wrong in my book. and as far as im concerd the frenum is much prettier and has a bit more of a use. i would think it hurts more though
Well, my Monday has started off with a "suspicious package" found at the Caltrain station at 4th and King and the trains are all sorts of f-ed up. So I'm on the stop-at-every-possible-town local train. Thank god I have my MacBook Pro and EVDO to keep me occupado.

I just changed my profile pic since the other one made me look a weirdo. This one's...
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haha! I just had to look back at your pics, because I didn't even realize you were in that middle pic. but yes, you can see your face much better, thus less shadowy or suspicious looking... though the middle one is quite artful.
Just chilling at the local coffee bar and surfing around. I'm so excited for the 787 roll out today. Geezus, I need some help wink

Anyway, trying to get motivated to head to Cheap Pete's to get some frames for my new artwork, but I'm just not feeling it.

And it's the All Star Baseball game this week in the city. Yay...yuck. Now if it was...
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Well, it's 12:40AM and I'm just hanging at home after heading out to this "speakeasy" type bar, Bourbon and Branch. VERY cool place, especially for someone like me who's into American history (the downstairs was an actual Speakeasy back in the day). The room mate and I are nursing our hangovers from Friday night so I took it easy and called it early.

What's up...
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