Lunch in the mountains of TN and last call at the ocean front in VA Beach! That's my kind of day!
Wish i was there
Let people help you, not because you need help or can't do it, but because they need to help.
Love and be loved, instead of only loving or just being loved.
It takes a family to raise a child well, that may be you and the nanny, your best friend and their kids, Your grandparents, their grandparents... etc. Be a family, not just a parent.
What I am learning is it takes more than being pleasant to be respected. You have to have what someone needs for them to respect you. If you are not needed then you will not be respected. Is that because the other person is rude or because of lack of self respect?

All I know is teach it to your children! Be respectful and demand...
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It is a great day, I am my sons Father. Thats good enough for me.
By a little hard work and concentration the grass is greener on my side of the fence!
So its not all doom and gloom, it is what you make it.... For reading here, I let out what I want off my mind. You know put it in a bubble and blow it away... well Bang!

I worry sometimes about my baby boy, he is my only child and I don't have a close comparison to his development. I worry that he should...
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Collaboration is key they say that none of us are as dumb as all of us and that we spend too much time in meetings and not enough time working.... Well, There is a synergy in working together, sharing common goals, the sooner both of our projects are done the sooner we can go out and play. It helps to have a sounding board, "if...
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