So here's what's happened in the past two days. Luck of the white man.
I've spent 25+ hours with a mod chip and several PS2s trying furiously to get it done. Stayed up yesterday from 6ish pm to 7am doing nothing but saudlering, desauldering, taking apart, and rebuilding Playstation 2s, all with the same chip. Spent 7 ish hours today with the same chip trying...
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Thanks for mentioning that there were nudes of Gigi out there. I'd had no idea. Quite nice pics.
My ooo aaa & I have many kiss 's for you.
Rise and shine! Yet another day to toss away.
What does my clock display? It says eight.
Shit, I'm late for work again, so then I dip with my pad and my pen, step into the work place with my work face, wince at my time card cause I'm scarred, mad cause I sacrifice my day and it gets me a trifling hourly wage of...
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Rawr. I'm feeling tired and have a headache.
These are for you kiss kiss
nice one.

"Feet at shoulder width, straighten out your arm and aim for the enemy, then shoot....shoot....shoot....and bang."
"What are you talking about??"
"If you take the left, you can take over the world. The parameter settings is the hard part."
"Are you talking about a game again??"
"Takun what'cha doing??"
"Why don't you do it at home??"
"Because I'd look stupid."
"Can you do Mamimi's...
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I like snakes
I used to have a pet snake
Did you touch the tarantula?
Hey! I justed wanted to say thanks for all the music you shared with me and especially the I AM THE WORLD TRADE CENTER cause one of the songs you sent was the one I've been searching for, for a long time!!! biggrin
I'm drinking again woohoo. I had thanksgiving dinner with some of my relatives earlier today. It's funny how they don't have a problem with me and how I act at all, yet some of my peers do. Then again some of those people piss on random things and drink Schlitz all the time. What is wrong with the world??
Anyways, I watched my uncle...
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I'm lazy too. wink
and you dress up as a samurai dude!
There can be so much emotion in simplicity. I always think about you way too much. As if you even care. You are that star shining in the night sky, winking at me, looming overhead, yet never acknowledging my presence. I blow a plume of smoke at you and the light you emit makes it turn blue, which is much more beautiful than the normal...
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yeah, FLCL is amazing. such beautiful animation. and no, you weren't reading too much into it philisophically.
about atmosphere- i marvel at how anyone could be so stupid to insult them too. but take comfort in the fact that he was schooled. slug told him to get onstage for a battle and the guy immediately shut up. i almost feel sorry for him cause he pretty much got laughed out of the place. "they're all gonna laugh at you!" but then i can't feel pity for such a blatant dumbass.
i agree, money is not the answer but it sure is nice to have. i feel like i've been a slave to poverty all my life and i feel like money=freedom in alot of ways. freedom to travel & buy things i'm interested in-- namely books, music, clothes, art, and (haha) videogames. also it's nice not to have to worry about if i have enough to cover necessities like food, rent, bills, blah blah blah. also i'm frustrated because i had to drop out of college to work 2 jobs to survive. daddy warbucks asked me why i wasn't in school and when i told him he just tsked his tongue, shook his head and said "we need to remedy that". i am capable of having a perfectly happy life WITHOUT money, but it would be so much easier with. i want to go on to bigger things than serving alcohol and at my other job, coffee. i don't want to sling beverages the rest of my life.
about the johnny cash video, i am not ashamed to admit that whenever i see it i cry. especially the first time, which was before he died, incidentally. i was getting work done on my sleeve and my friend looks up from the needle and says "this wasn't hurting a minute ago, why is it hurting now?" because i was wiping tears from my cheeks. it's so weird how the 2 different versions (nin and johnny) are exactly the same wording but they mean different things in different contexts. "everyone i know goes away in the end", "you can have it all, my empire of dirt". what a perfect song for him to sing right before he died, almost like he knew. now it makes me sad for another reason too. my ex boyfriend jumped in front of a train 3 days before johnny cash died and johnny cash was his favorite. another friend of mine said that days before that happened they sat in his truck and listened to johnny cash over and over while they smoked and talked about life.
anyway-- yes, i like jedi mind tricks too. i've heard it before but haven't gotten any of their cd's yet. i guess i should, though, since you like it and we share the same taste on nearly EVERYTHING ELSE. in fact, my friend dave was playing it in his car a while back and i asked who it was because i liked it, but i never got around to downloading it.
you know what i don't get? well, alot of things, but today the biggest one is people who go slower than the speed limit. i mean, if you are legally able to go faster then what, i ask, is the holdup? all day today i got stuck behind people going at least 10 miles below the maximum "recommended" speed. ha. maybe i should start slowing down more since i almost ran over a cop today. but it seems like everyone is on a fucking sunday drive around here. you ever take a ride with your grandparents and notice how they talk about the dumbest crap in the world, pointing out anything new or different because they have been together so long that they have already talked about everything under the sun at least 3 times over and they have to fill in the gap somehow?
"oh, look honey, they're building a new walgreens!" well, no shit. there is a walgreens on every corner. i see these people in cars ahead of me, models of my grandparents, heads bobbling around in the same stupefied fascination while i'm just trying to get from point a to point b without any fucking around. the driver's head seems to be connected to the brake pedal in such a way that when the head turns, the brake pedal is depressed and so on and so forth. they need their own lane. maybe i'm just too impatient while driving, but it doesn't help that i have a car with a badass little engine in it that just begs to be taken advantage of. very seductive, that engine.
science fiction is the shit.
as for the mirror image in opposite sexes, stranger things have happened....

Sorry to hear about the rough day. Seems to have made sense to me.

I'd argue that there is a lot going on underneath the surface of FLCL, especially with the guitars. Good show. Eventually I'll get around to reading th manga.
It's been a pretty interesting couple weeks. Cool stuff that happened:
-I successfully modded a PS2 for the first time
-I saw Dimmu Borgir, Nevermore, Children of Bodom, and Hypocrisy, it did suck standing in the rain and being soaked until they decided to let us in, but I've wanted to see Dimmu and Bodom for a long long time, Hypocrisy was an added bonus,...
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just read the link-

it shouldn't bother you- it's no more then an animated flick starring the image of bruce lee. if that was the case, would it bother you?
ugh sorry to hear about that pay cut. my pay will probably be suffering soon as well, starting next week. fucking commission blackeyed

i had a dream that my next pay check was only 10 cents. lets hope my pay does not suffer that much.
You know it's going to be nice when the world takes on a yellowish-amber hue. Your red hair hangs straight as a lightpost and your lips make a nice little O.
It's impossible to tell you, because you can't describe color to a blind person, or touch to someone who can't feel. It's something that can be understood, but not fully.
So we walk down...
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makeshift patriot is the shit although i always thought it was about the complete stupidity of the government and media concerning this whole "war on terrorism" thing and 9/11. every time i hear that line "racial profiling will continue with less bitching", no matter what mood i'm in i laugh a sick laugh cause the world really is that fucked up right now.
i love the part where the newscaster cuts in and says "how's my hair look?" like that's all he's concerned about during all that death and destruction.
hey what you said about my journal entry is true. i think it is the taoist in me wanting to get back to the natural. the urge feels primal and raw and like i said, ancient. it's strong, that urge to abandon everything civil and material and societal. the world right now is such bullshit. god i love it though, in its true form, past all that. the uncarved block. the p'u. i need to reread the tao of pooh. it's been about 8 years since i read it.
ok i'm going to stop writing now before this turns into a fucking novel. it's too bad you probably live thousands of miles away from me or we could talk over hot mugs of something or other. i have a feeling it would be an "oh shit the sun's coming out already?" type ordeal.

[Edited on Nov 20, 2003 12:55AM]
do you like aesop rock? he is fucking brilliant as well. i can't remember if you've mentioned him before when talking about good hip hop, but he is also one of the greats.
do me a favor and go download "put your quarter up" by molemen. right now. well, after you read this anyway. smile
that mountain sounds rad. i can just imagine reclining on a bed of blossoms and being lulled to sleep by the breeze and the warmth of the sun. a well placed nap is not a thing to be underestimated. i made a list of the things i'm grateful for yesterday because i was feeling blessed, and catnaps were pretty high up there.
life is funny. when you stop trying to make it do what you want it to do and just sit back and let it do its thing it usually works out. i'm about to move into a place in january where i don't have to pay rent and i just got hired at a place i'd been wanting to work too. more spookiness. i really think it's because i let go of my imagined control over things, asked for what i needed, accepted that maybe what i want isn't meant to be, and that no matter what the outcome there is good in everything and i will do the best with what i am given, because even hard times deliver good things in the form of wisdom and strength.
enough with the self help book type monologue, though. it's bedtime.
i hope you have a good day too. wink
It's a beautiful night out right now. The moon is bright, and very very white, which causes the clouds to adopt a pinkish-hue.
My dryer doesn't work right. It heats things up, but it doesn't get them dry. Some mildew appeared on my jeans, and it yet again caused me to question our existence. In this primordial soup, which is composed of heated water,...
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i remember it too, like light filling my body.
i wish i could have bottled some of that sunshine, put it in a jar that i could take out of a safe place and open up on days when the world is cold and unloving, feel its warmth surround me like butterflies and stars that make tickly fuzzy sounds in your ear. but still, even if i had it in a container i could really never be IN it again.

but vent_outlet was right when he said you'll probably be thinking the same thing about today 10 years from now.
such is the beauty of longing i guess. you always want what's out of reach.

hey novy, we've got almost the same taste in women. i couldn't decide between synnove and elara but i had to go with the space pirate.
so yeah, i've been reading your journal and we have more in common than you know. it is sort of spooky. it goes way past our taste in women.
you're such a good writer. i just want to crawl into your journal entries. i'm not sure what i would do there, but i would like to be a part of them nonetheless.
take this as the highest compliment possible because i've never felt that way about the writing of someone solid, someone who can talk back.
reading your writing, it's like i'm right there going "ha, yeah no shit huh?" because it's so parallel to things i think about and wonder, and i wondered often if i was the only one who thought those things. but i guess i'm not.
and you like video games and the tao of pooh and martial arts and underground hip hop.
thank you for existing. i bet you're cute, too. wink
I walked down the street in the cool fall breeze staring at the cracks and imperfections in the concrete, my hair blowing in front of my eyes, maple leaves blowing underfoot. I walked past the drunk bum, the girl in the cheetah jacket, the crying kid, the tabok (newstand), the group of people too cool for me, dusters and sunglasses, the business woman in her...
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dude- you don't know where the quote on my journal is from??!

if anyone should know it it's you!

common Novy- don't let me down!

(what does your name mean anyway?)

much deeper source actually...

it's 'blind fury'- starring rutger hower or whatever you spell hid last name.

good effort though.

i'm on limited web time- i have agent smith on my back- gotta run!
You do realize, love, that one day, no one is going to know we existed. As a matter of fact, beautiful, no one's going to remember the human race ever existed. Not that anyone would remember it anyways, because no one would exist, and that my love would result to nothing.
So what you need to do is not let your mind wander. Exist in...
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you got fired? this sucks... unless you hated that job.
did you?

where is you?!?
Your hair is so beautiful, straight, long, perfect and brown; and I'm forced to stare at it, to watch the light refract through the stacks of dead cells, and it's torture to me. I wish I could reach out and touch it, have it ballroom dance with my fingers, and still, you sit there so often, expressionless, totally devoid of any interest. It's wrong, completely....
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still- being bruce lee n' all, you should be up on your feet in no time!
white frog buttons?
So it begins. Having experienced a 3 month withdrawal of having no broadband internet, here I am again. I realize what a mess of a life this past one year has been now. I'm also deeply regretful to those others who realize this.
Regardless, something happened at work which was a cruel mockery of my inability to have any type of fortitude in situations that...
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going to go see kill bill tomarrow, before work biggrin
the movie was sooooooo well done. i couldn't imagine anything less from QT!