I had a wonderful day today.
After I got up I went outside and cleaned out my car. For some reason it was really refreshing. I've been neglecting video games a lot lately. It was refreshing to go outside and clean my car out. At first it was sunny but then it became fairly windy and overcast. Nice weather and I got something done that...
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kiss ooo aaa kiss
I went through a period where I really liked Rush. Not so much anymore. Odd.

I much prefer the Dustin Hoffman Hero. A bit of a cloying, manipulative movie, but it worked for me.
Life to me can be compared to an oriental rug.
Examined for what is is
We see
A big colorful thing with a nice pattern on it
Dichotomize it
We see frays on the ends
and the individual fibers that make up the majority of the rug's suface
Moving further
Each strand is tighly wrapped even smaller strands all bunched together
The frays are...
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yes it sucks big fat hairy flaming goats balls to hell and back again... heh...
yo yo yo biggrin

where's the pic from? (it looks like an anime series i grew up on, but a little different.)
What did I write
That which can't be explained yet exists in the mind, the psyche
A constant nagging of epic proportions
A 3d sci fi adventure in life
Which is defined by touch and the realization that what is there is there
I don't want to talk about you that much because it's all that I talk about
and it doesn't matter because
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I really like that! smile

The tattoo took 6hrs. did it all in one sitting, though that's not what I had planned beforehand, figured I might as well just grind my teeth and get it all over with.
Get the money,
Make the time,

And just GO!
Once when I was on vacation visiting my mother in Arizona, we went to Petrified Forest National Monument. I don't know if anyone is familiar with that area, but before you get there you drive along this two lane road, seemingly alone. Gravel lines the sides, and much of this is made of pieces of petrified wood. But ignoring all that, except the desolateness, the...
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ha! i just realized what that end quote was from.

"now every day we looked up at the ceiling,
watching ceiling fans go round
tryin to catch that feeling off instrumental
had my pencil
and plus my paper..."

i really need to get that album again.

[edited to say:]

2 more things:

1. that guy at your work is an idiot.
2. you are the shit.

that is all.

[Edited on Feb 10, 2004 1:48PM]

[Edited on Feb 10, 2004 3:15PM]
damn- just erased by mistake my entire comment... frown

i was trying to tell you about my way of dealing with these kinda dickless fucks like the guy in your office. (they always seem to say shit infront of an audience, right?)

ok- i'll tell it again biggrin

i find it a useful way to vent-

i picture a death-match arena.

i see the guy- all confused about being there- as if this is some kind of a bad dream.

eventually, he turns around to see a man standing at the far corner of the ring. the man is facing away- he's dressed in some kind of a traditional martial arts outfit- there's something familiar about him, but the guy can't really put his finger on it... nevertheless- it is apparent that the figure is one of more strength then meets the eye.

i turn around and smile at him.

the fight i usually like to conduct to the sounds of breakbeat/industrial/guitar music, or hardcore d&b...


you want to be a drummer AND martial artist?!

that's a winning combination for sure.

what are you doing about it?
A series of interesting video game happenings lately:
1. Toejam and Earl came in the mail today. I think Toejam and Earl is the greatest game of all time. My dad and I used to play that a LOT when I was young. Sweet nostalgia.
2. I beat Contra. Using cheat codes of course, NES games are HARD.
3. I beat Lifeforce. Yet again using...
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yeah, i love e e cummings. him and rilke are my favorites.
i knew it was you.
cHIBaWabA mAN...

tHAT's WheRE iT's aT!
Tonight I went and saw Lost In Translation for the second time. By myself. There were two other couples in the theatre when it was playing, but only one couple was there at the end of the film. When I left, my car was in the parking lot on the side by itself. No other cars near it. Having a digital camera right then would've...
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That movie sounds very cool. I would go see it with you if we lived closer. Why did your profile go shrinky? hehe Talk to you later cutie!

yeah, i get shit for complaining. i wouldn't say it's complaining, rather more like a running commentary on life. i have definite likes and dislikes. i rarely feel in the middle about anything. (of course, those feelings are always subject to change) i get labeled as bitchy or negative because i'm opinionated (but not a loudmouth, the 2 are different of course) and extremely sarcastic. but i talk about positive things just as much as i dog on stuff. i think some people just have selective hearing. usually people who get on to other people about negativity are pretty negative themselves.
you'll have to tell me about your experience with whales. i don't know why, but seeing whales up close would make me really happy.
you're so lucky to have travelled to europe. i've never been out of the country, even. i feel so trapped here.
would you really send me that movie? what, are you like the coolest person on earth? i think you very well might be.
i love office space. i own that movie and it comes in comedy central all the time, so no matter what, i end up watching it at least once a month. speaking of office space, i'm about to apply for a weekend bartending job at tgif. do you really have to wear a minimum amount of flare?
aesop rock again... who better to pull quotes from?
"fascination fascination
and everything i do i'm fascinated with
that's why i pass the hated wasteland with a grin
cause in the end i got my passions
while you splash in a puddle
tryin' to pick apart the puzzle...
fascination fascination
and everything i do i'm fascinated with
that's why i pass jaded competitors
who initiate disturbance with a smirk
cause i feel i got direction in my work."
Sometimes I can feel the words cutting through the mundane. I noticed that today while driving home late at night listening to "Space Oddity," by David Bowie.

You turn to look at the passing houses and trees. Something like a 60 degree angle. You feel the completeness of society. It resides in the way light refracts and reflects in the pupils of your eyes. It's...
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fuck! i found the perfect picture to show you what feathered hair is and now i can't find it on my computer. oh well...i'll post it later.
scandanavia? yes please. do you get a funny feeling of belonging when it snows or is cold and cloudy? or is it just me? it's a really hard feeling to describe but i think if anyone else felt it and understood what the fuck i was talking about, that person would be you. let's go ice fishing in a little shack while we're there and bring strawberries, flannel blankets, beer, a boombox, and books of poetry. we'd have to be quiet though, or we'd scare the fish.
you down?
people who are too concerned with money suck. especially guys with stupid 70's bartender hair that listen to songs like "if i close my eyes forever" and "love lift us up where we belong" (but are too lame to at least do cheesy air guitar solos), and really FEEL it. they drive trans-ams, drink too much, and can't remember your name even when you've had long conversations with them in which they won't shut up and start every sentence with "well, hell..."
i'm going to pop his tires. his trans am rims will be nestled closely to the earth.
nah, too much trouble. i'll just stiff him on his money. my credit rating is already about as bad as it can possibly be.

yeah, fuck rednecks. i wanted to kill this guy a few months ago. he stops right in front of an alcoholics anonymous clubhouse (in his hemi-powered dodge ram or whatever), gets into a fight with his girlfriend, and then slams his truck into reverse. i'm right behind him and i refuse to fucking move. why should i? the traffic laws do not change at your convenience just because you've got a fucking temper problem. he sticks his mulleted head out the window and screams at me to move, so i rolled my window down and pointedly flipped him off. fucking asshole. his girlfriend looked terrified, and maybe he thought i would be as well, being that i'm a girl and probably all women are shaking quivering piles of shit in his mind. so he screeched off onto a side street and i went upon my merry way. if he would have gotten out of his truck to start shit with me i would have run him over...and backed over him again and then run him over again, then taken his girlfriend to get some counseling.
i downloaded this guy, dj frane, really good instrumental hip hop. i'll send it to you as well when i get on aim. i downloaded it last week and it has literally not left my car's cd player since i put it in. he's some sort of a genius. i can't wait to get crackin on that music trading, but it seems like i work all the time now and i don't have enough time for fucking ANYTHING.
hmm.... which country...? can we just start in one and make our way across all of them to find which one we like best? sweden looks fucking beautiful. i need some beauty. i think if i saw some overwhelming natural beauty i'd lose control of my legs and fall to my knees. i don't have enough here. come on, who vacations in oklahoma? i want to see whales and fjords and snow covered mountains. i've only seen it on tv.
"Ill ascend to spin y'all dizzy
But just for the record
I'm bringin my tv with me."

Toejam and Earl for Sega Genesis is the greatest game of all time.

Cool kung fu picture #2
just wanted to say hi. i'm busy all the time & i miss talking to you.
your kung fu pictures rock!

Hm, an interesting week for me thusfar. I recieved my new PC yesterday and have it running now. The top of the case has a fan on it with a metal skull and crossbones over it. I didn't even know it came with that, but regardless, it's pretty cool. This PC runs like a dream. A good dream about nice weather and breezes and long...
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That 2 finger handstand is rather amazing...
and my brain runneth over with random factoids
I use them to pepper conversations at the most inappropriate tmes...
i got the ps2 yesterday. thank you so so so much. i seriously, literally have barely put it down since i took it out of the box. what's a version 4? i mean, how is it different than just your regular run of the mill one?
actually, i would have been happy to read a long mess about bombs and bunkers. i like getting mail that much. no one sends mail anymore. frown
i wish i could reciprocate and send you something cool but i can't think of anything at the moment.
i have my dsl now. i just have absolutely no time to do anything but work. so i'm never on aim.
do me a favor and download "can you find the level of difficulty in this?" and "when the sun took the day off", both by freestyle fellowship. those are good songs for today.

This is the most ridiculous thing ever

Of course it's a small world.
Because it's just us.
But you don't come around often enough; what's more, you don't even know who you are.


On a Grooverider-esque note, let's all share one thing we remember thinking when we were young, but now in our older age and wisdom realize how goofy it was.
Here's one...
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I used to think that the word Nike was one syllable.

And I would be most interested in seeing your giant red rock penis. Sound swollen.
Novy, Novy, Novy where have you been hiding your cute self? kiss
I've developed a serious hobby lately, finally!! A serious pursuit of something is something I've always wanted but never been able to get into hardcore. Let me say, before I say what it is, that I am a nerd.
I collect rare and any hard-to-find PS1 games. I've been going to video games stores all over town every day searching for mint copies of various...
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Oh, ok..I wonder whose shoes they are then..hehe. kiss
haha..great comment sweetie. Thank You! kiss ooo aaa
I've been working a lot lately.
Much to my surprise, I've been enjoying it.
Which is something that's contradicted nearly everything I've believed in up to this point.
I don't know where I'm going though.
No matter how blue the sky is, how brown her hair (which doesn't exist other than in my mind) is, how great the tea is, how much I want...
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OMG-That monkey is so cute. love ooo aaa love Oh and I finally posted my answer to my question if you want to check it out. kiss
i need to track you down on aim one of these days...