Today I am wearing my ignorance like a new suit.
Well I was acting ig'nant, not so much wearing an ignorance suit.
I'm really glad you liked my set! Thanks a lot for the sweet comment kiss
Spring love shines bright
Yawning princess smiles deeply
Happiness holds me

Im off to the pub
Cute haiku.
Damn those ninja miners.
Hello fine internet frequenters this fine blog has new found purpose!

Here in this digital tome lies the survival guide for those hunted by office work and corporate purgatory.

Day one: Bathroom callisthenics.

The worst thing about my job is the boredom. In fact even the most exciting projects are when compared to normal life inanely mundane. This fact coupled with my general inability to...
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I avoid public bathrooms, now that I know what other people do in them, I shall even more. wink
I think that's completely amazing. Go you. biggrin
He dined upon bacteria and poison in a vain attempt to appear sophisticated. He had demanded that his poison be of the type fastened by cork and not screw cap highlighting his ignorance in such matters. His selected bacterium was as common as death but not as tasteful.

Cheese and wine is for fat drunks! puke
Want some cheese with that whine? I mean wine?
How ya been? surreal
Hey, I'm not showing off. If I wanted to show off I'd talk about how I worked today, and volunteered last night. Just wish I had something to show for it outside of spit up on my pants and a backache.

Man that's gotta suck ass - but atleast you get a raise thats more than 10cents at a time. I hate that crap. My last boss gave me 25cents every 3 months, but I was still making WAY less than the people there for a year - about $3 an hour difference.

Well welcome back if you stay for a bit. wink
Alright peeps,

I have just been working away as ever, you know ducking and diving. eh. I have got a major project on the go out the moment so no social life for this little hipster. On the up though did a ride to St Andrews on Sunday which was super wicked ace despite loosing all feeling in my hands. Going to a Pixar thing...
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blush kiss smile
First of all, I'm frightfully awful at responding to things in a timely manner.
Secondly, you're an absolute sweetheart, and thank you kiss . My mum has been in good spirits; I went and visited her and brought her duct tape and cookies. Duct tape holds the world together, and cookies fix ANYTHING.
The one instance where anything that was of my expense was at least kindly handled was a themed party I went to a few years back. We had to wear a tie. And because I am not a business person, and have not gone to Catholic school (though love the uniforms, different story), I was not comfortable in a tie. I went and did my business in the bathroom and somehow managed to get my TIE stuck in my zipper. I would not survive as a male member of our race.
Anyway, I'm in the bathroom of this gal's house, going nuts, hunched over, starting to really panic and after I'd say a good twenty minutes, I managed to wrestle the cheap tie out of my crotch and head back into the party. Part of the material was still left dangling around my neck, the rest was a tail that dangled in the front of my pants. Quite the giggle, I'm pretty sure there's pictures somewhere.
Dear everyone ever. I have just came back from seeing "The science of sleep" and I am here to tell you that it is a bigger event in human history than when those silly plants decided to flood the world in a sea of oxygen and thus kick start all other life (including us). Too far back for you well how about when you read...
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This guy starts hearing voices in his head, it turns out to be a novelist is writing a book - in which he is the main character and she is going to kill him. I personally enjoyed it.
I think I have to concur that the rescuer of the CEP turns out to be a very inviting prospect, indeed. Especially when said fair maiden was getting pretty fed up with said CEP spewing chicken on me while speaking.
As far as saving people from KFCs, I say let them have it, anyone that goes into those establishments is obviously ASKING for it. The bloodthirsty rabbits though ... I think those tend to hide in cafes with Vikings more than anywhere else.
That should be your next spot. ARRR!!!
Blah after a chilled back night in for the first time in ages I have awoken today infected and I fear that once more my projects will get neglected for the warm soft embrace of my bed.

Too much time has been lost to hangovers of late and I feel that my awful job and the weekend parties which have increased in intensity to the...
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What about a paramecium with a mediocre power tie? Could you live with being a paramecium with a tie? biggrin
I wouldn't know about the sexy locations. I'll just be in so many places it's easier to say undisclosed.
This post is really only to hide my drunken previous blog. I am having a boring time of it right now got lots of studying to do. I should however be getting my wii some time on Friday and the poll is starting for a stencil comp I took part in is due to start tomorrow. On Sunday I am going to see Mr Scruff...
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Hey, no removing of drunken blogs, I don't even correct mine later. Takes away from laughing at yourself later.
What on earth is up with the . . . well erm world!

Today I went to the opening of a club and I had a lot of fun. Talked to a very pretty girl who found me very funny as I fumbled over things to say to her. I told her that I don't really go over to random ladies and talk to them...
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Hmmm, well I can see her trying to hit you, you were messing up her booty call. tongue

My back isn't that horrible, at least not at the moment, but thanks for your concern. Although I'm prefering this to your hand. But atleast you can poke people in the eye all the time and say it's an accident. biggrin I do it to people all the time and get in trouble for it, accidently stuck my finger in a few other places in a persons face too. My excuse is usually, "sorry, I wasn't paying attention" or just a sorry because I have no real excuse, I'm just clumsy.
Don't worry, I wasn't offended, I didn't even notice. But now that I can leave drunken messages you're in for trouble. I drunken blog, but you can tell because my words are screwed up and some words don't make sense.

I think those people who give those tests are like the dentists that don't fully novicane your mouth before they start working. They're evil, evil I tell you. When they did mine they had to stop early because my muscles were so tense that they couldn't get the needles in - so I guess my people were nicer. smile
Frequenters of this particular avenue of the internet!

Once more I speak to you through the haze of drunkenness and the parched embrace of a hangover. Yesterday was full of promise. Yesterday I could have done anything! But fate had other plans and sent forth its most trusted minions who took the form of my friends. They, now hidden in a clock of friendship, poisoned...
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Sounds like you had fun. wink
Out of desperation of seeing my floor I did clean my room today.