Seriously, I could write you a 10 page essay on any subject of your choosing, but I can't write a paragraph bio on myself. But I have to, and SOON, for an upcoming project and I've been staring at the computer for an hour looking at a blank word document. I need help.

I feel better about the previously mentioned situation. I'm taking the wait-and-see...
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I can write a 10 page short story, but I can't write a paper to save my life.

Well I would go to the bars with you. maybe you need to find some not so grown up friends. Like on SG or something.

At least you have a window unit now.

Are you on deviant art? I just joined that sight like a week ago.

Yeah, I take life extremely seriously, as you can tell.


Ok kids, this entry will probably be a bit on the long side, so bear with me. However, I'm posting this because I need (semi-) unbiased opinions and feedback regarding this situation... most of my people in the "real" world have their own experiences within this situation and therefor cannot detach their own emotional aspect. So anyhoo... here it goes...


I'm a big...
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I have the next two days off. I am going to the Reds game tomorrow night in the hopes that there will be tons and tons of fireworks. Other than that, I've nothing going on. Fri-Sun I work from 4pm until way later than I would like. We should probably hang out at some point, eh. I think I can stomach being seen in public with you....I mean, it's not like I am going to see anyone I know.
okay...i have a few family members like this....so i feel your pain....my grandmother bein the main one i can think of who is insanely more psycho, violent, & evil that what you're dealin with...so, at least take comfort in the fact that it could be worse..i think that sometimes it does seem that these people are only dealin with karma comin back around & their bad choices catchinup to them...you have to remember that after all you've done, you should come first right now....i wouldn't completely shut her out but it seems you understand the exaggerations and know when to say no...which is sometimes the hardest part...there are limits to what we should ever have to put up from another person...be it family or not...and once we understand our own personal set of limitations we can better deal with the situations that will inevitably arise with these types of people.... so in other words, i think you're on the right track..ARRR!!! skull ARRR!!!
Doh! Apparently I wasn't supposed to say anything. Shhhhh...
damn. I missed it.

also, we got rained out and so I can yak at you for a bit, but I'm gone soon...
tongue i take it that you are getting something published.
Sorry for that little gripe fest. God - I can be a whiny bitch sometimes. wink I'm going to blame heat and hormones.

So anyhooters, things aren't really as bad as all that. Sure, some of the things that are going on are craptastic, but I have enough good stuff going on I should really quit the bitching. I got my first sale to Denmark this...
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Hey, we're practically fucking neighbors now.

Short hair is pretty.
All of my lamps survived intact. I'm mostly unpacked already too. I've spent the last few days just kind of wanderingly aimlessly about the downtown area and trying to figure out where things are and how to get to them. I'm right near the pedestrian bridge, so when my parents were here we walked over to Kentucky....mostly just so they could say they had done it.
Ok, it's official. I'm stressed out. I'm not a person who sweats the small stuff, but most of this crap doesn't exactly qualify as "small stuff" anyway. My health is kicking up again, which means how long/hard I can work is dictated by my body. The computer continues to act weird, which means I can get very little work done. I'm worried about loved ones....
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Take care of yourself first and foremost. Then take care of everything else. smile

It's good advice . . . I'll try to follow it myself one of these days.

Thanks for the vacation well wishes! It was great but way too short.

Oh and I'm sort of not doing the messy watermelon kisses right now? You're the first person to notice though! smile
Aw.. i hope you start feeling better soon.. what's going on with your comp? you might have some malware or spyware.. those are always great at slowing your machine down...
Some people attract a certain type of person. If I say "freak magnet", you know exactly what I'm talking about. My friend Sasha is always getting hit on by black men. Gay girls love Robin. And my sister can't seem to find a guy who can hold down a job. I always thought this was because of of a certain 'vibe' that one puts out......
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I think it's every young boys fantasy to be with an older women, maybe that is what is going on.

i wanna see ya on rollerskates, cause i bet you're super cute! wink
The Good

- FINALLY saw the new Harry Potter movie. Loved it - my movie companion, not so much. But he is a damn commie.

- The new issue of Craft Magazine came out today, and you'll find e positive designs (me) on the second (?) to last page in the Etsy feature. It's small, but I'll take it.

- I sold my "Zombie Gnome...
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Why I chose Cincinnati specifically.....the Reds have been my favorite team for almost twenty years. But as for why I am moving...I just needed a new place. I moved down here in 96 and should have only been here for about three or four years while I finished my degree. Instead here I am almost 11 years later and I am just now getting out. I've been in a rut for a bit and it's time to shake myself out of that. I figured a new town would do that. Since I am not going to Grad school any time soon, I didn't have any real reason to prefer one city over another. So, I went with the place where I could get an apartment within walking distance of my favorite baseball team's stadium.

I've been to Cincinnati three times now. I haven't spent a ton of time downtown. Is it really that bad? I've heard it's not the most happening downtown ever. Considering I've been living in a town of only 70,000 people, it's got to be a step up.

Oh, and I don't know anyone. Part of what I was looking for was a fresh, new start where I didn't know anyone. I crossed Chicago and Detroit off my list because I know people there. That left me with St. Louis, Louisville, Cleveland, Milwaukee, Pittsburgh and Cincinnati as far as what can I afford to move to, how big is the city and do I know anyone.....at that point I had to choose Cincy.
I'm 30....I don't really want to be surrounded by a bunch of Frat kids.

The fact that you know who Emma the Lunchline Lady is makes me happy.
Trying to be positive, positive, positive.

It's hotter than Hades, the news over my friend has me worried, and I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow that I'm not looking forward to. To get myself centered and feeling better about things, I did a self-Reiki treatment, followed by a little meditation. But it went a little something like this:

God it's hot. It's so fucking hot....
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I'm sorry it took me so long, I was with out Internet since Monday.

What is the news on your friend? I really hope your doctor's appointment goes ok.

I really do not see how you have went that long in KY with out a window unit, I moved into my new place and I had to get a new one, I really could not live one day with out one, if I get over 70 degrees I can't sleep and well of course if it gets over 80 dust bunny will die.

It's so amazing that he brought you a window unit, that is so nice of him, I know that will make your life so much better.
Peke's are treat motivated, not punishment motivated. But, they were a bit hard to potty train, the both of 'em. They are quite good at everything else, actually a very smart breed usually.

Just found out one of my very good friends has cancer. Stage 2 Hodgkins Lymphoma to be exact. Apparently, its a "good" cancer (easily treatable), but I haven't decided if she's just telling me that to make me feel better. I honestly don't know what to say. I'm a big believer in "everything is a lesson" but it's a harder pill to swallow when...
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okay not to freak you out too much... but do you all live in the general proximity of eachother? work in the same building (is it 'new construction', emitting levels of cancer causing toxins are high), drink the same water, food...ect? In my opinion its plausable being enviromental (man made) rather that draw of the straws.
I'lll guess you are visiting the doctor frequently, continue to get screened.
would it be a class action suit...?