Greetings, friends and lovers,

Alien Skin Magazine has published my dark horror short entitled "The Vices of The Saints", and I couldn't be happier! Check it out here, one and all: http://www.alienskinmag.com/ffictionhorror5.htm

I hope everyone is having a fabulous night!

Congratulations, I can't wait to read it, I have it bookmarked
rock on to the published one!
love Whoooooa, I'd LIKE to TEACH the world to swing...
InTO the ARMS of MEEEE...
I'd LIKE to LIGHT and pass a TOKE...
To everyONE I SEEEEEE...love

sing it with me, gang...

(Better yet...boogie on over to www.nightknight.net and write something sweet in my guestbook. It's lookin' kinda frown these days...)
Greetings, friends, romans, venusians, flap dancers, hurdlers, streakers, and other assorted merry-makers,

I'm home!

I've been away a couple of days at Mardi Gras where I drank more than was wise, and spent some truly blissful time collecting stranger-gropes, nude photos, and strings of plastic beads that people go after as if the things are vials of antibiotics in the midst of an epidemic. As...
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ah Mardi Gras. would love to see the pics. And I dig the poem. a lot. esp the "cursed saints [that] shed tears of everclear". what a visual! soo..does that make me a perv, too? smile
Smiles at viv! Glad you liked the poem! Thanks for checking me out (and incidentally, there are plenty of worse things to be than a perv. 'least pervs are never boring...lol!) wink

Having a great weekend, I hope?
So I'm happy today. Scared Naked Magazine subscriptions are up, the SNM Online Necropolis is live, and my goatee is feeling especially fluffy today. Gotta love Woolite!


A quarterly journal of extreme horror erotica created for the sole purpose of dirtying up your mind. skull love
Haha, I appreciate the tip on calming my fears while flying. wink
Unfortunately, I just happen to be one of those people who get uncontrollable anxiety and just have to wait it out; no advice or help can really do anything for me, which sucks.

Hope you're well!
Woolite in your goatee? Wha?! I have never heard of that. My bf has a pretty woolie beard, I should suggest he try it. Do you keep it in or wash it out? confused

Sorry to respond so late to your email. I actually have never read F&Z. My best friend named her dogs Franny and Zooey and I adopted Zooey for a long stint of time and Franandzooey is also my username on ebay-so I kept it simple here too. Sorry, I am a F&Z poser. frown blush I have read and LOVE Catcher In The Rye though! biggrin
Dearest Peeps,

So I get silly on Tuesdays, and for that I do humbly apologize (or would, had I even the most elementary sense of propriety), and rather than waste valuable time and space with meaningless ramblings, I'd like to devote a moment to the plight of the toothpaste and shaving cream products at my local supermarket.

See, while truly caustic, horrible substances like bleach...
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skull (Sigh)

After a workday like today I find myself wondering not for the first time whether it might serve my interests to tear the Mondays out of every calendar that crosses my path. Perhaps if I tear the entire Monday column out of enough of them, Mondays will fade right out of existence like Color Me Badd did during the unfortunate '90s...


..well, anything...
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Awake today bright and early despite having chosen V-Day to light a couple dozen candles and renew my polyamory thing with my beloved paramours Jack (Daniels), Jose (Cuevo), and (Captain) Morgan.

It's Sunday today, the day after Valentine's Day, so there'll never be a better time for me to trot my ass on over to the Zanza Bar down on Sullivan, and see what's bouncing....
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Howdy, neighbor. *waves*
Howdy! Happy Tuesday morning at 2:25 a.m. to you! (smiles and waves back)


Lioness lithe and diamond-clawed,
Longs to hunt,
Longs to dance frenetic lambadas
In eruptions of honeyed splendor and night rain.
Lioness, nude copper deity,
Starves to swaddle herself in seismic fuck,
Starves to lunge after pearlescent lambs
Like napalm tears, voided fears
Surrendered to her ripped-satin roar.
Lioness misses the religious deaths
They die enveloped in her heat,
Misses the primal pricks and tumultuous...
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Welcome. Nice words.