So I'm done, finished, tired, and put out. No more of the Bitch for me! I finally quit and took a position that kicks ass. Gonna get my own apartment buy a shit load of crap that i dont need and then get a few more tattoos i've been looking at. EL SUICIDO LOCO
i miss you
Confusion runs wild through my brain,
making me wonder if i'm going insane.
Thoughts of what it means to be free,
and wandering what it means to me.
Bound by invisible chains that you cannot see,
longing for the taste of true liberty
If I choose the chains would I be hiding?
If I break them would my soul start dying?
Like a caged tiger...
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now what in the world are you refering to? Whatever it is it's quite beautiful.
Ok I'm in the south, a place where we are never supossed to stay warm all year round and its fucking snowing! I'm freezing my ass of under three layers of clothing. I have decided that I will move to a deserted tropical island where its never cold and I don't have to wear clothing! Anyone up for the trip?
nah just move to utah
So fucking tired.....I've decided to stop dating assholes. Now I have to find what the fuck else is out there.
Really theres not too much out there... everyone can be an ass hole in there own way. What you need to do is find the ass hole that can coincide with your bitchiness. Once you make that connection you will have it made.

Anyway I hope you find someone who is the right kind of ass hole for your type

Its snowing here... hope your not as cold as I am.