Dopo i risultati elettorali, non posso che andare in lutto elettorale (esiste come termine? non lo so, ma se non esistesse rende perfettamente l'idea secondo me...)
Una destra fascista, xenofoba, che froda lo stato, in combutta con 'ndrngheta, mafia, spacciatori, violentatori, che non ha regole elettorali (fin qui tutte cose documentabili o deducibili) e che dice che abbia pagato e garantito immunità a ladri e...
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Thursday I had 2 operations to the penis ... 2 scars: one of 6 cm and a second for a circumcision necessary to avoid pain while having sex. Results: 25 cm of bruise, persisting pains and one month of sexual abstinence.

Yes... when I was having sex it was very painful and I could not satisfy the girls, but these pains are definitely worse!

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JULIE is a psychodrama where I play a psychologist who tries to abuse Julie while she is in a psychiatric clinic. It's not a simple role at all ...


I've ordered sterilized niddles and sterilized piercings. I want to try pierce my nipple myself.


The right nipple piercing was stretched whitout problems, but the other I even had to take it off!!! It was too superficial and I risked ripping it. I talked to my piercer, I'll have to wait that to scar and then make a new piercing deeper.



Yesterday I got the new piercings!!! Tonight I will do the final stretch to 8ga to my nipples!


Sometimes I wonder if my desire to want to have my long colored nails (even if I'm heterosexual), is such an unacceptable thing for "normal"

I do not want to be "normal", I want to be myself and that's it!

Only on Suicide Girls, for the first time, I feel that my "oddities" are respected.

be you, if anyone says anything , you have rad nails and they are just jealous ;) 
I have a lot of friends who know me well and who accept this extravagance. It is the duty to appear as people expect as you are that it is tiring.