my foots well and truly asleep. i poke and there is no feeling tongue im scared to stand as i think i might fall down its that numb
im sitting at McDonalds yet again leaching wifi. i always feel obliged to buy something even though you dont have to

il be going home on Saturday just one more day of prac and another semester down.
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hey!!! i saw u at ikea yesterday was going to say hi but i dont think u would remember me :p
flights to LA return = WIN
I am looking into this very very soon myself smilesmile
Stones = another win... !


have fun... hope you didn't face plant when you stood up.... with your tootsie being asleep and all
hi yall,
so its been a while. the housing situation has been resolved almost 6 weeks later and
my dropkick brother finally found a place and is moving this weekend smile
sooooo whats been happening??? not much
im currently on my rural placement in dreary Geraldton.
well it probably isn't dreary i just cant be assed getting involved or playing nice.
im spending all my time...
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Service providers that stuff you around suck and blow at the same time, which is quite a feat only possible by doing major screw ups in service.

The tour of the US sounds like a lot of fun.
Hi gorgeous, i havn't talked to you in so long, the backpacking holiday sounds amazing....So very exciting!
i am officially homeless
like seriously
handed back keys today
my bro is still at my ma's i have no place to call my own frown
staying with a mate jax
she rocks
ive been cleaning since sunday
im tired
i have a 1600 word essay to write
yeah its not that big
but its worth 65% of my grade
its due 5pm tomoz
im only...
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That sucks. Hopfully you find a new place soon. And hopefully you feel better soon.

(if it wasn't for the last minute, i'd never get anything done.)
Oh noes
Hope you got the essay finished and handed in !
and hope ya feeling better as well
my kitty has an owie frown
i think it was an abscess but im not sure.
now it a smelly wound
so ive cleaned and bathed it
and put a dressing on until i can get to the vet tomorrow am
my poor baby frownfrownfrown

i had to come home from prac on Friday i was so sleep deprived i was hallucinating,
well seeing things i thought...
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that sux hope he can find somewhere to live before the week is up.
poor kitten miao!!
Hi sweetie!

Long time etc. How've ya been? We should have some drinks again, soon. smile

ooo aaa
i'm moving house in two weeks, so i decided i would start packing today.
it seemed like it would be an easy task. but god damn i have a lot of crap,
and with the majority going into storage i need to consider what i want to keep on hand
and what i can do without for 6-12 months.
so im spending much more time...
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have you been to planet books in mt lawley? love it.
They have so so many awesome books i want to buy the whole store.
hope the scrabble was fun
a year, thats insane! yeah we do little trips up there every now and then so we dont have to wait..to impatient smile
Thanks for the dexter offer, my neighbour just did the same. shes a media teacher and uses it in her class so i plan to steal it off her.
i'd never heard of fishpond before cheers i'll go scope it out.
i wanna dance...
weird huh
not like fancy pance dance
but silly stupid drunken 2am dancing
where you flail about like a silly head
having fun just being stupid

i cant sleep
its only 9 but ive been up since 5am
ive been in bed for an hour
i just wanna sleep
i was getting the droopy tired head thismorning i only had 4 hours...
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i start a three week psych prac tomorrow, well today really
oh what fun (sarcasm is so hard to transfer into plain text)
then i get to move house
have a week off
and then i start three weeks or rural prac up in geraldton
all very excitement
im bored and lonely my house mates arent very talkative any more
so i spend a lot...
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that sux, yeah everybody needs stimulating friendships around them.
hope they open up again
i spent last week watching the IT crowd and now i cant stop saying hiya when i greet people.
although i all Sunday procrastinating i managed to actually write some for my essay finally.
its a group essay and i completed 3/5 of the critera so im not too stressed and it not due for two weeks but Goddamn it, i want to maintain...
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Hello you,glad your procrastination is over tho i admit im guilty of that myself.Haha the I.T Crowd is a funny show,i havnt seen many episodes but what i have i liked smile.
Hope you managed to get some sleep.
I think thie ending of season 1 was brilliant. LMAO for ages an still do when i watch it again.
I know how ya feel with social phobia...peoples a rea scarey! Quite corners are good.
i am eating sherbet in a towel too lazy to get dressed.
wishing desperately that i had more sleep cause i have a long day ahead of me

i'm procrastinating like a mother fuck at the moment i have an essay to write by Tuesday but i just cant find my mojo frown

the day awaits and im starving for lunch and drinks with friends followed...
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Sherbet in a towel...can't say I've ever done that...gotta add it to my list of things to do lol!

titillating/shitillating!!!Blogging is still blogging. I like reading peoples blogs! biggrin
hey! umm do you know her stage name? i just did an intro to burlesque course and got to perform in the grad show so dont know all the girls. perth is so incredibly small that way...
hi all,
so its been a very long time since ive been here so Holla everyone! and thankyou to the anonymous person for gifting me an account again kiss biggrin
so what has been happening in the world of Nads?
well i have under a year till i graduate, i spent over a month in India over the summer I've gone through a few house-mates , i...
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Aha hello there love-gosh you have been busy smile x