N8theSk8 DJ's Upstage Nation @ The Moose!!!

Okay everyone,

I'm sending this out as a feeler for this Sunday, because I haven't given Lou an answer yet!

DJ EzLou has extended the invitation for me to guest DJ this Sunday at the Moose, if I can get it together this weekend will you come!!??

This will possibly be the first date of hopefully many co-DJ...
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w00t!!! i'd love to make it out!
For those that knew him..

I would like to start a Lance Samol tribute myspace.

Lance Samol was a great friend of mine from high school, and a great influence on my life who passed away on Sept 11, 2006, just two months before another amazing lady passed from this earth on Nov 11, 06', Jamie Ricker.

For those of you that knew Lance you...
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(here's a thought on relationships)

I'm really proud of myself..

That I don't rebound like some people do.

I'm goin 3 years single (and trust me I've had a lot of opportunities not to be), and it always astounds me to see how some people rebound into new relationships within a week after the collapse of a relationship.

Nothing against finding love.

It's just interesting...
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So I'll be visiting L.A. again for Coachella this year and I'll be staying for a week with a few different friends in town. We already have a bunch planned, and I'd love to hit some kewl club nites. Anyone have suggestions for a gawth/punk/rock'n time?


Oh, and beware UK friends, I'll be visiting Blackpool as well as various other locations in a...
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heyyyyyyyyyyy NtS.... i don't move until September. There are still 6 odd months of Saluraness you can get your hands on, hehe. Let me know the next time you're going out somewhere and I will tag along.
sounds like an excellent idea.
Ok. Read through and pick A. B. or C.

So. I just got home from skiing, thought I'd check the www.coachella.com page to look at this years line up again... (for those of you not in the know, Coachella is the festival in California I've been going to for the last 3 years)...

Well tix just went on sale like last week. Turns out...

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Option B.
But then, I like Manson...and Germany sounds interesting.
i like your top 10 bands, an films , an tv shows.

well done ...

anyone whos got daft punk bowie and postal service up there .

Well, it's the new year. And I say... LETS GET THIS SHIT GOING!!!!

2007... the promised year!!! I believe in you 07'.. your gonna be way WAY better than 06'.

Then again, that's not saying much, hell.. if only one friend of mine dies this year, you'll be a better year by far!

So, to start the year off I've begun by continueing my career...
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Awww Jamison!

Lets see this video!
Today, my best friend and I went to the upstage to try and pry mirrors from the many sections of the club.

We succeeded with some. And strangely ended up being contracted to destroy the club I love so much.

Tomorrow I return early in the A.M. to continue sawing, cutting, and sledging the thing I love the most.

Fate is so so strange.

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D00d....for real its been way too long! I don't know when I'm going to see anyone now that the Upstage is gone!
To those of you who didn't know today is a holiday in the UK!

It's Boxing day!

And no it doesn't mean that people get in the ring and battle out their aggressions... but rather people box up a lunch and spend a day in the park!

Here's a lil more history!!


(stolen from ehow.com)
While stories of the origins of Boxing Day sometimes...
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fabulous random knowledge of european culture, sir.
So today I do a favor for a friend and drive her to the airport! Then I get a ticket at the airport for pulling into the terminal "TOO" fast??? right.. The guy was standing there and walked over to my car and was like, here you go! Have a happy holiday! I'm like... what? How can you be handing out tickets and trying to...
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that's so beat.
Alright, got nothing else to do???... SOMEBODY POP MY TESTIMONIAL CHERRY!!!

You know you wanna be the first!!!


Heh heh, I decided to leave you one. And we just met! God what a slut I am.
oh yeah... well umm i was really drunk at the party, twas my birthday ya know, hehe and i forgot... but umm yeahhh i'll leave you one after tonight when i have actual interaction. wink