We move on Monday, today is our semi-last day of packing. We're taking the bro to Disneyland as a surprise tomorrow to say thanks for coming to help us out, then Saturday we pick up the uhaul and start filling it, Sunday we clean and do any last minute stuff, and we leave Monday morning for Arizona, then Texas, then Missouri, and Indiana, then finally...
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If you have any time while you are driving, try and stop and see all the cool roadside attractions, how often will you be doing a roadtrip that big?...have some fun!!
I'm closing this account because of SG's corporate policies regarding Apnea and Lithium Picnic. Being a photographer myyself, this kind of crap is bullshit. And Apnea's a beautiful model and I hate to see her go. I'll still check back here for the blogs.
i know how you feel, apnea's great; i'm so sorry you feel this way. i thought also, that lithium was only on contract for each shoot he got.
me and my guy specks are starting a business, basically computer and programming-related stuff. so i optimistically don't xpect myself to be in this awful rut forever. let's not forget that i also, will go work for a nicer, busier restaurant soon enough, while i go through school and shit. i just usually vent to see my thoughts xpressed on "paper", so to speak..it helps me clear my head and get out the frustrations. thanks for "listening". xoxo...

i feel stuck sometimes too because i'm older....i am literally changing careers right now to go back to school...so the pressure is greater on me i guess.....i've already seen success and a lot of $ in my younger years...so i'm prolly a little more jaded than most....le sigh....
Well, visited the Bay Area one last time this past weekend before we move.

I had to work Friday morning, and was then driving up afterwards. If y'all remember this post, you'll remember my mom being a psycho. Well, turns out (as I talked with her like two days later), she was... oh how do I put this... KIDDING. Yeah, that's right folks, she...
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Ugh. I'm so broke... and I have this bad habit of lending money to people when I don't really have the money to lend. Rent ate my face this month... $775 A PIECE ($1550 total).

*sigh*. Maybe I should sell my body. Tom won't let me though.
That's why it's cheaper to live anywhere else but california...hell, I dont know how I am going to afford my own place out here when the time comes, but I guess I'll figure it our, we are both broke too, so your not alone wink
I really wish that I could afford my own place right now...as much as I appreciate my parent's letting me live with them, I really really need my own space, and I prefer spending all my time with Wylde anyway wink
I've been thinking of getting a new car, and wanted either a truck or something with good gas mileage. Two extremes, I know. Well after looking around the Toyota dealership yesterday, we settled on something economical. We test drove the Matrix, Toyota's station wagon looking car. I didn't like it, mainly because of the look of it. Then I saw across the yard the itty...
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Im sorry you have to deal with that, I hate when parents throw the guilt shit in your face, but dont let them get to you!...I like the car, its cute, but oh so tiny!
This is a big Fuck You to the following people. I'm not angry, quite the opposite actually. It's one of those cathartic moments, I'm just going with it. smile


Bill collectors
Utility companies
Rent checks
Moving companies
All those people who told me I couldn't
Those who told me I shouldn't
And those who gave up on me


Angry clients...
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It's good to get that shit out, something I need to do too.
We have an address!!

We got our lease in the mail today to look over and sign. They, of course, misspelled my last name three different ways throughout the lease. But we have an address smile

We are leaving CA on 9/3, spending 4 days on the road, and ending in Ohio on 9/7. We're staying in Cedar City, Utah, Denver, Topeka, and Cloverdale, Indiana (just...
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It sucks that they charge that much, I would have thought they would have been cheaper out of Cali
Oooh nice...I bet it will be a lot nicer!!
So we've got a moving set about 99% set in stone. We pick up the truck on August 30th, fill it, and take off the next morning. Friday, August 31, will be our last day living in CA (in theory, if the townhouses have an available unit). And.... drum roll...

I have a job!!! Well, a promised job anyway.

I applied at PetSmart for a...
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That's so cool that you got a job lined up already!!
I hope thats the only thing preventing it from starting!
CONGRATULATIONS! That ring is gorgeous!
Sad, and happy. Took a pregnancy test, not this month. So Tom and I have agreed to wait until we move to try again, and in the meantime I'm going to relax and just chart my ovulation and stuff. I half wanted one now, but it's probably best we wait until we're settled (and I can drop a few pounds). Whee babies...
Babies rock and in many, many, many wonderful ways. No rush you'll be blessed soon enough and then your whole life will be turned on it's ear!