If you would like, tell us some things about living in Namibia.  It's 8000 miles from me and I know almost nothing about it.  I have traveled a lot but not in Africa.  I know there are some very large parks there and it has a lot of coastline.  It also seems to have lovely very talented women so I like it already!

Aaaw, Ty very much =D You are so kind <3 
Namibia is an Awesome Country and I would highly recommend it for visit. It is a large country with a lot of open space and very few people. Most of the land consists of massive game farms, where people can do the hunting or Safari thing. Though there is a lot of poverty, there is also a lot of spirit and happiness and People are very friendly. Its the ideal place to come if you are looking for an awesome low cost holiday, as our currency is a lot lower than the dollar or pound, and life is a lot cheaper. We have a nice long coastline, which runs next to the Namib Desert, which is the oldest desert in the world. I would implore you to type it into google and check out some photos of the people and the places. I live in the Capitol - Windhoek =D