And I'm too lazy to check how long it's been to give a proper update.

So life's been pretty boring, all I'm doing for the most part is working, collecting my checks and trying to stay hinged. I'm tired a lot of the time, and I'm wondering if it's cuz I'm getting older or if it's a manifestation of depression. ::shrugs::

Anyway, I need to...
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So I really haven't been coming onto the site much as of late. This past year has been filled with school and work and I really haven't had much free time. But, I think it may be more than that. I've found myself disinterested in so many of the things that I used to love: namely movies, music etc etc. I'm starting to wonder if...
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Do I need convincing that I'm a fucking trash dude, cuz I find my 20 year old classmate attractive? She's not a notch i'm trying to add to my bedpost, I'm not trying to bring her down. I think she's genuinely awesome, but I feel like I need to just stay away.

Maybe I just like the idea of her? I dunno.


So, it's been a few weeks since I wrote in here? I'm trying to write more often for things that aren't school related, so this counts. Ummm yeah, shit has been...i dunno, off-kilter lately? Let's get into it.

1) My car died. Yup, my faithful car of the past 10 years passed on. Damn engine failed (I won't go into that). So seeing as how...
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OK, just as a disclaimer, this is not about Drumpf's presidency. Though I could write a few lines filled with expletives about it. No, this is about how I'm feeling right now. Have I stated that I'm currently working and going to school full time? So let me break down what my week is like

Sunday: Work 8am-4:30pm
Monday: Wake up @ 4:45am Work: 6:45am-3:20pm,...
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