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merci bien!

wo hen hao, ni ne?
stank you
i am not completely vegan at this time, but the more i reduce the lacto ovo and pesca parts of my diet, the more i feel this way...

veganism for me means...
...less depression and anxiety, and a more focused mind.
...hope for the future of the planet, by me doing my small part. i think a civilian's loudest voice is as a consumer, and i do not agree with factory farming, for the animals or the humans or the planet. however, i live in the US, it may be different in australia (assuming you actually do live there like your profile says).
...the practice of self-discipline in parts of my life where i feel i need it. i am very liberated in most other parts of my life, i think my diet would be something good to focus that energy on. otherwise i might forget how to self-discipline and end up in a bad state of affairs.
..."saving the children" in my own special definition of what i feel the children need to be saved.

it does not have anything to do with bragging rights, except that i will be doing what i feel people should be doing, instead of just thinking about what i feel people should be doing and not doing it myself. "practice what you preach" except for the preach part.

so basically, fuck you.

also, i think it would be interesting for you to experiment in cutting out something that you like a lot from your diet for an extended period of time and then trying to eat it again. i find that initially i miss these textures and tastes, but after a few months it totally grosses me out. the same thing with adding to your diet. when you first start eating more spinach, for example, you might not like the taste, but it makes you feel so good that it pretty much rearranges your taste buds.
tv is stupid. i am not looking to disturb the social fabric. human flesh is probably the only meat i would be 100% enthusiastic about eating. http://www.churchofeuthanasia.org/