i'm going to go live some real life now.
i don't regret the choices that I've made,
I hope you feel the same.
get the tattoo if you want the tattoo. you have only yourself to answer to.
Good, good, smart call.
hey i'm gonna keep on going
no more fighting what i am now
can't go back now
sad eyes lovely still

near or far
no matter where you are
a little scar
keep on after

hey i'm gonna keep on going
no more fighting what i am now
can't go back now
sad eyes lovely still

near or far
no matter where you are
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my weekend was fantastically unproductive.
in a good way. I went to sleep relatively early and
that feels good. Hung out with my very good friend
Dameon. This guy has the energy of a Tibetan monk.
So positive and shiny and so many ways.
We got seriously stoned one night and walked around
looking at sky and talking about existential things.
I love life. however...
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sorry i haven't visited you recently. but, here i am. i love your pic. *smooch*
Not cliche, it sounds divine. Existentialism tends to make me all nervous though... it's a long story. Too long to tell. Suffice it to say I went through a period of unwilling Existentialism which after a year of heavy Angst, I finally recovered, only to enjoy living again.

Allow perfect nights to be perfect. Don't fret if they have all the elements of the usual perfect nights, doesn't minimize their specialness.
my weekend was fantastically unproductive.
in a good way. I went to sleep relatively early and
that feels good. Hung out with my very good friend
Dameon. This guys has the energy of a Tibetan monk.
So positive and shiny and so many ways.
We got seriously stoned one night and walked around
looking at sky and talking about existential things.
I love life. however...
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my weekend was fantastically unproductive.
in a good way. I went to sleep relatively early and
that feels good. Hung out with my very good friend
Dameon. This guys has energy of a Tibetan monk.
So positive and shiny and so many ways.
We got seriously stoned one night and walked around
looking at sky and talking about existential things.
I love life. however cliche...
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our local museum has a little exhibit of Raphael's
drawings. how cool is that? spent some time there
looking at this guy's work and it's amazing.
how can you encapsulate so much into one line,
one tiny fucking line. put it all together and
make it a perfect body with one stroke.
Human body by far is the most fascinating subject
matter to me. Figurative...
Read More
Lament for my cock
Sore and crucified
I seek to know you
Acquiring soulful wisdom
You can open walls of mystery
How to acquire death in the morning show
TV death which the child absorbs
Deathwell mystery which makes me write
Slow train, the death of my cock gives life

Forgive the poor old people who gave us entry
Taught us god in the child's prayer in the night

Guitar player
Ancient wise satyr
Sing your ode to my cock

Caress it's lament
Stiffen and guide us, we frozen
Lost cells
The knowledge of cancer
To speak to the heart
And give the great gift
Words Power Trance

this stable friend and the beast of his zoo
Wild haired chicks
Women flowering in their summit
Monsters of skin
Each color connects
to create the boat
which rocks the race
Could any hell be more horrible
than now
and real?

I pressed her thigh and death smiled

death, old friend
death and my cock are the world
I can forgive my injuries in the name of
Wisdom Luxury Romance

Sentence upon sentence
Words are the healing lament
For the death of my cock's spirit
Has no meaning in the soft fire
Words got me the wound and will get me well
I you believe it

All join now and lament the death of my cock
A tongue of knowledge in the feathered night
Boys get crazy in the head and suffer
I sacrifice my cock on the alter of silence
absolutely unrelated to anything here.
i watched a documentary (you know how much i love those) on bengal and siberian tigers and i thought of you. a guy threw boiling water into the air, and it froze and fell like snow. (in russia)
i lost my wallet today... or may be yesterday.
how romantic is that?.. someone will find it
and call me and then we'll meet and fall madly
in love... Yeah, that's my plan. You wanna
laugh at me? please do... I'm laughing at myself
right now.
I went to see one of my favorite bands
ever play at a local club last night. They were
so incredibly good. I stood there with my
eyes closed for the whole time they
were playing. The turn out was so shitty, though.
20 people, maybe. Cleveland stinks. I was
so fcuking disappointed and just felt bad for
the band.

well, check them out www.mira.nu
Uh, *coughs*, I've read War and Peace ... (one can't comment on the cuteness of their own ass though)

And thanks for your lovely email, I'll reply as soon as I have the smallest moment to be articulate...
Your profile pictures drive me crazy.
I have so much to say. Few words to express
that and even fewer people to say it to.