fuck tues. feels like mon. I am aready for this week to be over. I have decided to clean my house tonight and it's has gone to far. I think I have about one year of dust on top of 15years of dust. If no body has heard of jonny hobo and the frieght trains let me know and I'll get you a disc. The...
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yay for cleaning house...I love the feeling of accomplishment at the end of cleaning. good luck battling the dust! oo.
Thanks for loving my set smile
just got home. What a sweet day. Typical monday fucking sucked. Except I picked up my boy at the greyhound. He's the man. We are working on a film together any one interested in helping give a shout. I am going to draw some stencils tonight. I made a new pact with myself to draw a pic or a stencil everynight. I need to keep...
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sounds like a good time. whats your to piece gonna be?
Just got home what a day. I bought this old farm house up here in the mountains. It needs a ton of work. It's cool though. I like hard work. My dog herkimer is freaken nuts. He was getting swarmed by bees today and started picking them off in mid air. He got stung in the mouth a few times and his mouth swelled up...
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Today was a good day. I am tired and getting ready to go for a walk and chiil with some friends. This web site has become really addictive. I don't really get to excited about the internet but this site is fuckin great. I wonder if they will let me model for a shoot.
They do have a Suicide Boys section...you know! wink