@maleh Soy igual que tu. Mis deseos son expansivos, pero no hay una sola cosa que me obsesione. Aunque podria echar un vistazo al grupo...
@gadget I mean there are specific things that turn me on, but I don't think they are either obsessive or singular enough to qualify as fetishes. If the person I'm with has a specific fetish, in most cases, I'm open-minded and flexible enough to go along with it (though there are certain things I can't do), but even in those cases, what arouses me is seeing what it does for them, not the act itself. I wouldn't say I'm vanilla, exactly, but I also don't require a lot bells and whistles in order to enjoy myself or anyone else...
@gadget I was saying you nailed it with your comment previous to "Nailed it!" If that's clear... The one about competition = inflation. Very succinct. Especially after my meandering paragraphs about Marx and Greek art... For someone who hates communication, you're pretty good at it...
Kind of a necessity in life I've learned. The truth is, we are living in the age of Idiocracy. If you can make your point in a succinct and articulate way, people are that desperate and dumb, and to them it sounds like you know what the fuck you're talking about, so they follow. When I was a kid I used to think that adults had it together and knew what they were doing. Then I grew up. I had to face the shit show of reality. I had to come to terms with the fact that I wasn't going to be able to sit back and let someone else drive like I had grown up thinking. Cause these motherfuckers? OMG. just NO. #RESIST
I feel like I've been voicing the same opinion all over the site. The long and short of it is, I have no judgement towards anyone who wants to use it, but it's not for me. I'm also extremely put off by the fact that I have no choice in any of this. Even back in the day when we had a place in our profile to list a wish list, you weren't REQUIRED to list one. Why am I now REQUIRED to accept tips at a kickback of 20% to SG without a choice?
I couldn't agree more. I've been around this joint since 2003. It isn't even a shadow of the community it once was.  Its all about making the $s now.  Corporate BS.