Never let your memories be larger than your dreams.
Embrace the unknown with anticipation and confidence
instead of fearing it.
Feel the fear, and then go do it any ways.
You are always going in the direction of your current
dominating thoughts.
Invest in YOU. miao!!
I is back!!!
not like i've been anywhere, but i did just get back from New York,
but i promise to at least update once a month, more if needed.
SG is way too important to me; to not. SG is where I can see
some of the most artistic, intellegent, painfuly beautiful, and cool
women EVER. So if one of them just happens to...
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For LOVE'S sake !!! i better update !!!
May all who have lots of love in your heart;
share that LOVE freely with e-v-e-r-y-o-n-e.
And those who have a need for LOVE;
may you find someone who can share
theirs with you. Know that YOU ARE LOVE.
Remember and rediscover this truth.
love is lovely. so is updating.

i have barely been around the past few months, but i am back now. come back soon!!!!

A man died and went to heaven. As he stood in front of St. Peter at the Pearly Gates, he saw a huge wall of clocks behind him.

He asked, "What are all those clocks?" St. Peter answered, "Those are Lie-Clocks. Everyone on Earth has a Lie-Clock. Every time you lie the hands on your clock will move."

"Oh," said the man, "whose clock is...
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i'm just glad i live in canada. it's like a nice buffer zone between me and the stupidity that is george dubya
perfect joke!
I think it was somewhere around my 17th article on "Scooter" Libby's duplicitous vileness or maybe it was the umpteenth piece on Karl Rove's bleak sweatiness or Tom DeLay's toothy mug-shot "I'll be skipping prison" grin, like he'd just swallowed a whole baby seal and two live puppies and was coming for your cat.

Perhaps it was with the ongoing onslaught of soul-clotting details of...
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George Bush, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld are
flying on Air Force One.

The President looks at the Vice President, chuckles
and says, "You know, I could throw a $1,000.00 bill
out the window right now and make somebody very

The Vice President shrugs and says, "Well, I could
throw ten $100.00 bills out the window and make 10
people very happy."

Not to...
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ahahaha......jokes amuse me waayyy more than they should wink
i am way too serious,
and way too easy goin',
all at the same time, for most. surreal
serious when you should be easy going, and easy going when you should be serious?
O.k. i'll update...
i saw my first baby owl ever, this summer...
i got all sortsa icebreakin' action goin'
with perfectmatch.com. Out here in
this sleepy little retiree and college town,
i'm able to as a 35 year old, be reveiwing
profiles from all over the western hemisphere.
i think thats pretty cool. Its certainly different than
like in Casablanca, where you had to make...
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i never met a chocolate i didn't like.
Cacao constantly consumed !!!
is my new law.
Say it ain't so...
and i'll say, you'll see...
Silky richness and soaring frequencies
seems to be my experience.
Indium is my friend.
Keep the nibs comming. surreal
O.K. so its no longer my birthday...
But i'm so high right now, thinking of how good
it was. People who love me reached out, and i was able to give a few gifts to close ones. Jo Jo and i just gorged
on freshy-fresh sushi/sake/green tea ice cream with a gold candle, whilest the ENTIRE staff begins Japanese birthday chant with some serious clapping...
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hehe, thanks! the latin means "let light and truth flourish"- its the motto of my school, and i really would like to get it tattooed on me.

you know, my cat only eats dry food, but her breath smells like wet confused maybe thats what happens when her spit mixes with the dry food......ew

yay! i'm glad your birthday was so great!!! kiss kiss