Are there any fellow vapers out there? If so what flavors and juice brands do you recommend? Also looking to get a mod soon so any brands you recommend?


Since it's October I felt this was appropriate. This quote is from a little movie called "The Strangers". Basically the plot is three strangers terrorize a couple in their summer home. Towards the end of the movie the girl asks (as in most horror movies) "Why are you doing this?" The answer to this question is the best answer I've ever heard. "Because you were...
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I'm always on Etsy looking for prints from other SuicideGirls and Hopefuls so If anyone knows of any stores that I can purchase from please let me know. My girlfriend and I are looking to add to our collection <3

Omg thank you @dutch when I get paid next week I will definitely buy a print! šŸ˜‡šŸ’–

I remember it was my sophomore year in high school when my friend showed me my first SuicideGirl. It was the lovely @radeo and I remember how beautiful she is and just amazed at how amazing the photography was. I mean yeah she was naked, but even then I (luckily) was blessed with maturity and appreciated the nude woman as beautiful not as a sex...
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Well this is my first time on the SuicideGirls website and I'm so excited to be a part of this amazing community and see all of these beautiful sets shot by amazing photographers. Hopefully one day I can be one of these photographers, but until then I'll just appreciate the fine work by all the models and photographers <3

Welcome to SG! :DĀ 
Aww thank you @kalita