its friday! morning i hope today goes by fast cause i have nothing to do 2nite but take my dog to pets mart 4 a bath!
Alright, Big Boy, try this on for size...

Thursday jan. 19th 2006 4:05 pm

So i feel like getting a little shit faced 2nite but im not talking about 69...well maybe i mean i will be drunk any one wanna go get a drink but im not sealing the the on the 69 just yet!

Main Entry: smarmy Pronunciation: 'smr-me
Function: adjective
Etymology: smarm to gush, slobber1 : revealing or marked by a smug, ingratiating, or false earnestness <a tone of smarmy self-satisfaction -- New Yorker>
- smarmily /-m&-le/ adverb

See? Told you smarmy was a word.

Riot miao!! meeeeow!
so its friday and you know what that means...
Drinks are on me baby!!!
Smarmys a real word. You're the 10th person to question my grammatical skills. RAWR!
You sent me a friend request, do I know you? Can't see your picture very well so I can't tell.
so far today has been boring i had to go get some blood werk done like at 8 am and then werk @ 9, werk's been slow so far i only pranked called 3 people and 2 of them cussed me out ha bastards...anyways later...