Good news: the internet connection was decent enough in my room to allow me to catch the WEEI broadcast of the last half inning of the Red Sox v. Yankees game this morning. Red Sox won 7-3, and this morning someone who out ranks me will get his balls busted each and every time I see him for being a yankees fan (even though he's...
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Started trying to write more on the piece, only 32 bars left to finish it. But no luck thus far, and then I started hearing "Such Sweet Thunder" in my head. For those if you that don't like jazz just try this one piece out because it's heavy as shit. It'd make for some good fighting music.
haha thanks!! so you're about to come home! YAY!! you must be soo happy! smile
So I'm beginning to wonder if when I get out of the army and work for the government (local government in education this time) if the people around me will still be as completely retarded as most of these people? mad

On a brighter note the internet is working somewhat in my room (which is awesome since it's about 1232134894754320 degrees outside all the time now)....
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So I got into the PhD program I applied to and now I need to convince them to let me take four courses per semester. Crazy shit. I know.

Working on a new composition, still, and am at another blank. My commander took the idea that I had and when he explained it to the people that he needs to answer to (like the general)...
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So I got into the PhD program I applied to and now I need to convince them to let me take four courses per semester. Crazy shit. I know.

Working on a new composition, still, and am at another blank. My commander took the idea that I had and when he explained it to the people that he needs to answer to (like the general)...
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So I got into the PhD program I applied to and now I need to convince them to let me take four courses per semester. Crazy shit. I know.

Working on a new composition, still, and am at another blank. My commander took the idea that I had and when he explained it to the people that he needs to answer to (like the general)...
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So I got into the PhD program I applied to and now I need to convince them to let me take four courses per semester. Crazy shit. I know.

Working on a new composition, still, and am at another blank. My commander took the idea that I had and when he explained it to the people that he needs to answer to (like the general)...
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So I got into the PhD program I applied to and now I need to convince them to let me take four courses per semester. Crazy shit. I know.

Working on a new composition, still, and am at another blank. My commander took the idea that I had and when he explained it to the people that he needs to answer to (like the general)...
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writing extended compositions are difficult. I some how need to figure out how to incorporate Iraqi music in the middle of a piece that's primarily blues based. This could be one of my more interesting compositions (of course that's hoping that the tremendous lack of skill doesn't make very traditional sounding music sound out of tune and weird anyway).

I got into the PhD program..now...
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writing extended compositions are difficult. I some how need to figure out how to incorporate Iraqi music in the middle of a piece that's primarily blues based. This could be one of my more interesting compositions (of course that's hoping that the tremendous lack of skill doesn't make very traditional sounding music sound out of tune and weird anyway).

I got into the PhD program..now...
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