Got to work today and my boss called saying he was on his way to San Jose. My other boss left for Barcelona. It's just me for the rest of the week holding down the fort.

Last thing my boss said to me was "you're in charge, crank up the tunes and party." I felt that those were pretty wise words. I will embrace them--...
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To my surprise, a few days ago I received a e-mail notifying me that someone had paid for my account to be reactivated for 3 months! I have no idea who would want to do that for me but I am extremely thankful that you would do such a thing for me.

A quick review of several major changes in my life since I've last...
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I've canceled my account. Kind o funny, it has been exactly one year since I signed up. I didn't do it intentionally but it just turned out that way. I don't really have a reason for canceling. It's just kind of silly I guess that I'm paying to blog even though this site is super well designed and overall kicks ass.

Bye bye SG.
Aww, I did the same thing last because I'm poor. Lame. Now how the hell am I going to know what's going on in your life?! TALK to you? XD; GEEZ. You make it so hard to maintain this friendship.
Last night I rolled- I didn't really want to and didn't have a great experience since nobody knew I was rolling. It just made my emotions go crazy and I felt super alone and scared and anxious.

Today was chill though. Went to church which was fun then just layed around blazing and napping throughout the afternoon into the evening. Now its sleep time to...
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You're silly. ^_^
After I got in my car to head home tonight the moon was so beautiful. My heart just filled with love for how beautiful this universe we live in is and how magnificent God made us and all creation. I just watched it the entire way and wanted to capture it or at least be able to stand outside and enjoy it. I couldn't drive...
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So I missed 2 days of work last week because I was big illin' puke I'm still stick but need to go to work, kind of a bummer since I am coughing shitloads and I have a meeting with a client today. Not going to be fun. I still feel kind of yucky. Oh yeah, I also have a big cold sore now. V_V Kind of...
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I dun feel so good... my body aches so bad. I hope I am not getting sick which interferes with my business on the weekend.
DON'T get sick with the same crap the rest of the country is getting sick with. >=O Last time you were sick for like ever because you push yourself too hard.
I have no idea what I did this weekend *passes out* Oh! I went and had Thai food, that was an adventure. We drove from one town to another to go get thai food- CLOSED! Then we drove back to where we had came from- CLOSED! So then we had to drive alot further to another town- OPENED! Nom nom nom...

If you don't remember what you did, it probably involved drugs. And stop posting Lazy Town videos because they get stuck in my head and I want to FUCKING STRANGLE YOU. Kthnxbai. ^_^
I guess on February 10th I will be joining the legion of Anonymous and driving down to LA to participate in the Hollywood raid on the Church of Scientology. Hopefully some EPIC LULZ will be had. If you're in the LA area be sure to join in on the fun.

Locate Protests and Anons in your area

^ Find a raid new you
Tonight I watched a old show that I was pretty convinced either I had dreamed up as a child or something since I've never met anyone who had heard of it. However, 2 days ago I found a torrent for "The Head" and it finally finished today so I spent my evening watching it. It was on MTV like 12 years ago and is made...
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