Hi All! I've decided because I am paying out the ass for a service I don't use, well fuck it. If you are interested in continuing communication, please seek me out on myspace (nuclearcherrybomb) or flikr (viridianwithdesire)

i just wrote about the same thing...
you disappeared again frown
hey! it has been forever. it sounds like your life has gotten better since the last time that i heard from you. that's awesome. are you really in stl? i'll be in stl on the 23rd. crazy. i can't believe you have atlas shrugged as one of your favourite books. i read that in high school and it changed what i thought about a lot of things, putting into the favourites column for me as well and your music! whew.. you hit a couple of my longtime favourites on that one too. it's a little spooky. how are you doing? is that guy you met in your class still around?

my summer semester is going to be over soon. but i'm pretty sure the lady will be in some of my art classes in the fall. so it is pretty complicated.
I've had a request to update. I haven't dropped off the face of the earth, and In fact someone very special said the only thing he didn't like about me is the fact that I don't do it often enough.

Good news:
New semester started, and the class that I thought I'd hate I'm finding myself having a lot of fun in.

Painful outdoor shooting...
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i'm glad to hear you didn't fall of the face of the earth! i actually moved up to michigan, and am going to school here now. i was supposed to go to school in illinois, but i just couldn't stand it, and there was someone up here that i wanted to give things a chance with. i'll be back in illinois for a brief reprise the second weekend of march. it's awesome that it's working out so well with you and you new guy.
Been awhile. Thanks to everyone that wished me a happy birthday. It was a lot of fun. I went out w/ t at midnight when I turned legal and had a couple of beers the evening before my actual birthday. The night of the 4th we had I Love Mr. Sushi and went to Rocky Horror Picture Show at the Tivloi and got into some...
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what did you get covered up? you should post pictures lady! before and after. it would be fun.
Some of those pics of you in your folder are crazy. I like them.
I should really be asleep right now considering I have to be up for work in about five hours, but I've been hounded to get on and update my shit. So here is the long and short of it.

After going through the most fucking painful and unhealthy experience of my life, I came out on the other side happier and more content than I...
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happy birthday!

Have A Great One Cutie! biggrin
I really shouldn't take so long to make entries in here because I never know where to begin.

I moved out of my mom's in the beginning of September and moved back in last Saturday. Too much violence and fear in that appartment. Too many tears and not enough sleep.

It's all good, though. Life is starting to straighten itself out again. I had a...
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i have been doing too much traveling. i'm about 30 minutes from st. louis. lebanon is a tiny little town near o'fallon and bellville and things like that. i am in the states for awhile. i'm moving up to probably michigan at the end of next month though. i'm going up there in a week and a half to go look at apartments and see which town lifts up my skirt.

what happened with your apartment?
it is crazy we ended up in the same area again. i'm curious about the apartment thing, i'm pretty sure it will just make me want to live alone even more if that's possible, my email is
passionate_temperament@yahoo.com. as to where lebanon is i have no idea. i don't drive. it's really nerve racking for me so i just sort of daze out and watch the cornfields. but it's only like 10 minutes from scott afb if that's any easier to determine?
So I'm trying to be an adult. I am trying to be independent and get my shit together. And not for Jeff, but just for me.

I decided to rent my mother's basement which is set up like an apartment and I get a lot of privacy for very little cost. However if Jeff leaves his sister high and dry over the apartment the three...
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man, sounds like when i broke up with my first (real) boyfriend. that shit is not fun.

also i am going to the community college also. what classes are you taking?

ps you are pretty
Yes, I like german music.

My first real musical love was Tangerine Dream, and there still have 3 or 4 albums I can listen.

My current favorite german musician is Marcus Schmickler aka Pluramon. Did you heard about him ?

I broke up with my boyfriend. It's strange though because he still wants to date me and see this other chick and keeps saying he loves me but when we talk we argue. Fuck.
Oh, I'm sorry about that ... Well, these days, my love life situation isn't quite confortable either ! whatever
awesome! NoCo flava!
I'm in Missouri now. Living with my mom and her husband, Bob until I get on my feet. I have a decent job and semi-reliable transportation. However I feel less stable than ever. My life is like a balloon a little kid let go of and now I'm waiting to pop or float off in the horizon.

My realtionship is so screwed right now. I...
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I'm back, in a relative since. Back in the States and back on SG, although if I don't get a job soon, I might need to sacrifice my membership for awhile frown

I've decided to move back to Missouri instead of staying in North Carolina. Really, though, I just want stability in my life. I feel like I'm never going to have a place to call...
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north carolina isn't much fun anyway.

i'm moving to illinois in a few months. i'm really excited to leave. not that germany isn't wonderful, but i need something other than UMUC... it's breaking my little heart smile i'm sure you know about that.

living in the ktown area isn't as bad as the whole baumholder situtaion. i can see why you were jonesing to leave.

have fun unpacking, and good luck with the job thing.