I'll be the grapes fermented, bottled and served with the table set in my finest suit like a perfect gentleman.
I'll be the fire escape that's bolted to the ancient brick where you will sit and contemplate your day.
I'll be the waterwings that save you if you start drowning in an open tab when your judgement's on the brink.
I'll be the phonograph that...
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Your profile picture is wicked fucking kewl.
Yup, just got me a new vibrating chair. Might just be the best investment I have ever made. So now I shall be spending a lot more time online. Maybe even do some real updating on what the fuck is going on in my life nah. Anyway I suggest that everyone go and invest in a new vibrating chair. You will not regret it, thats...
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Yup. Those ads where you see the set-painter talking about how he's losing work because of piracy is bullshit. He already got paid to work on making that movie, he won't get any more or less money based on the movie's sales. Whether or not that movie makes money is the studio's concern. The only people who stand to profit from DVD sales are the studio execs and those who collect royalties, such as the actors even though some of them have already been paid millions to "star" in a film.
Vibrating chair? Holy shit, where do I sign up for one of those?

Oh, by the way, your profile pic is awesome. Love it.
I come back the latter part of next week.

Yippee kayea, mother fucker!

And yes, it is cold over here.

[Edited on Feb 09, 2006 8:34AM]
Thank you so much for your comment on my set!!
kiss kiss kiss
Sometimes I get so sick of peoples passive aggressive bull shit that I just want to go out and buy a bullhorn. Why a bullhorn you might ask? For the fact of when ever they try to slide something passive aggressive by you in what they think is a very sly and sneaky manner you can pull the bull horn up to your mouth and...
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Sometimes I think that even smacking them upside the head won't help much.

Some (or I should say many) persons are so imprisoned by their egos that they can't even be conscientious enough to consider the effects of their actions on others. Whatever it is they're doing is presumed to be natural and justified by the very thought of it being natural. Perhaps this can be forgiving, but sometimes, maybe even many times, I'd rather still just smack them upside the head--because that is my natural instinct.
I have always been a fan of metal music so as I was standing in the record store today Metal for the Masses: Volume 4 caught my eye. I am a broke ass so my girlfriend fronts me the cash for the new album and we take it to her car and as we pop it in I discover this band I have not yet...
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Shit, sorry. No pics of that. Went by, but didn't go in.
Well, I hate whenever I hand over my camera for someone to take a picture of me and their composition always ends up sucking ass.

I'm also skeptical about Miami Vice. From being on set and watching some of the scenes, much of it (the acting, dialogue, story, plot development,etc) didn't really seem like anything that good. I don't think this will be one of Michael Mann's better films. I think it'll rank well below both Heat and Collateral, and it just won't be as good, and definitely have the same vibe, as the TV show. Anyways, I'll have to wait and see the final cut to give my final judgment of it.
Holy crap! I never truly realized how many people were actually on this sight at the same time as me. I go to check the new set of to wonderfully beautiful Ember, look through the set. Then I walk to my kitchen to cook myself a Hungry Man TV dinner. And by the time I get back there are 6 pages of comments on...
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heheh yummy candy.....
yes we should hang out, I also have friends on this site that live here, tessa ruby and sick gurl.
I havent been on SLC SG lately, but I know they do things... sometimes...... Anyway, I really want to get out of Tooele to hang out.... e-mail me you number and I will call you if I go into the city.
^_____^ So very very lovely
Wash away,
all the lines on your face that show how you've aged.
It's a long way down
your back's been broken you can't make the rounds.
The tables are turned as the litany goes...
you're a rotten old man who'll be covered in dirt.
On your knees,
and pray to the maker that caused you to bleed.

Silent scorn,
you've taken it out on...
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These feelings are too familiar to me. I can never write poetry and, especially, have it public display. You're much braver than I when it comes to this.
If beauty sits the child's kiss
Of laughter I amend
Can you catch her if she runs?

With this I would share with you
All of this count to no end

Behind your sealed eyes you miss
All that I've done for you
Will you catch me when I run?

If timing play evident
What would you say when you're late?

Stay with me and...
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It was one of the best endings for a TV series that I've ever seen.
Awesome profile pic.
December 29th my birthday...my family forgot! What the hell is that about! They forgot my birthday! Oh well. Im back in the sack attack of the world that is suicide girls.

Happy Birthday, dude.
Happy belated b-day! smile
My knight ended twice last night. The first death was bad I was hunting with this elf on forgotten island and of course I was being the meat tank so this freaking harpy comes down and paralyzes me. Then the rest of the monsters just continue to beat the snot out of me until I drop. And the poor little elf girl I was with...
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Sounds cool. I hear there's very good snow for skiing/boarding, although, believe it or not, I've never gone skiing or boarding.

I don't when I'll be able to make it up there. I went through there once a long time ago on my way to Wyoming, but I only passed through and didn't really spend any time there. I was hoping to go there again sometime to check out the ski resorts and some of your nat'l parks.
Aw, thank You so much for your concern and the sweet compliments! Urax and i appreciate it kiss luckily enough, he got away without any serious injuries... we gave those evil dogs a good fight!
Cybersex at its best:

*note* all of the following information will more then likely be funny to only; nerds, dorks and geeks.

bloodninja: Baby, I been havin a tough night so treat me nice aight?
BritneySpears14: Aight.
bloodninja: Slip out of those pants baby, yeah.
BritneySpears14: I slip out of my pants, just for you, bloodninja.
bloodninja: Oh yeah, aight. Aight, I put on my...
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woot cybering =p

No worries, you really didn't miss me, I'm down at school, which is about 3 hours from the city (which makes me very sad) - but hope you had fun in Chicago!
That poor lil girl, not very nice gettin her ready to go then lettin her down like that. But is sure is funny as hell which I guess makes me one of those geeks your talking about. Keep that stuff commin I need to laugh like this every now and then. smile