
mad ARRR!!! love
DISCLAIMER *The following statement is one long bitch-fest...*
*Don't you just love a pushy sales person? One that constantly interrupts you and won't take no for answer, keeps pushing until you say yes. I had one those today at Victoria Secret. I had to meet up with my man in 20 minutes and not thinking I went into VS first. I was lucky enough to...
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Thank you very much for wishing me a happy birthday! I'm also honored to be in your favs!
*this is my mom's recipe for peanut butter eggs, they rock and I thought I'd put the recipe up*
Peanut Butter Eggs:
*1/4 lb. butter softened
*8 oz cream cheese, softened
*2 lb. confectioner's sugar
*1 1/2 cups peanut butter
* 1 1/2 tsp. vanilla
*1/2 tsp. sat
** 12 oz. milk (or dark) chocolate coating chips
Mix butter with cream cheese until well blended....
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So tired orf working. I'm ready to have the weekend off. Last night we had the first spring rain here, it was awesome. I was work unfortunately, but I went out on the back porch a couple times an hour to breathe it all in. It was fabulous. I woke up this morning and it was over cast and smelled like more rain. I'm so...
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i like the rain........we really need it here.
i love mangoes... love
OK, I spoke too soon on this beautiful weather. We're are now supposed to receive 3-7 in. over the weekend. frown I really hate cold weather. Instead of whining, I'm going to go out and enjoy my St. Patrick's day with the rest of the drunks! Who's with me!?!?! ARRR!!!
sounds like a plan! smile hope you have an awesome pat's day. kiss
yesit did happen biggrin
YAY!!!! Give it up for beautiful weather, and for TOOL announcing more tour dates. I'm so excited, it's getting to be THAT time again... you know, time to go to the beach! Bikini season, time for a new tattooo and so on and so forth. Have you all missed the sun and warmth like I have?! love
just when I think we might have some warm weather, temps drop back to 25 and snow is expected... frown
first post of the new year woo hoo! i've been too busy to write anything, but now the xmas spirit has finally died and things can go back to normal. it's like a really long bad trip... anyway, i'm still hiding under my rock, waiting for warm weather i'm so cooooold! frown
Yeah, it is pretty cold. But, if you've got a quilt and a boyfriend, you can hardly tell.

Don't worry, it's not all that long until the Easter holidays.
good to see you are still alive and kicking biggrin It is nice and toasty warm here, jsut thought I would rub that fact in your face wink tongue
Moblogging for the first time *crosses fingers* at work with the mate n no boss... Role playing anyone?

i get on SG at work all the time. i'm always waiting for my boss to walk through the door and ask what i'm looking at
rolepalying *puts on wizards hat* lolz I always feel bad when I update / browse SG from uni always think someone is going to peer over my shoulder and give me grief or I'll get a rude email from the IT department telling me my internet access has been suspended.