Fellowships, Fellowships, Fellowships.........

I wish he would come by...I saw him on TV......He arrested some bad drug dealer smile

I keep spending like mad.

Happy 2007!
We'll it's rainy back in Florida....

Got to see hot cop........oh yeah!

Tongue ring fell out......after 8 years it got angry for no reason at all.


how was your hiatus to coloardo? hope all things went well while you were back here. same thing happened to my upper ear ring, fell out for no particular reason. they heal so damn fast too..
Oh I love the dry climate!!!!!!

I love seeing sky line!!!

I forgot how the Colorado air felt! I sware the sky is so much larger here than in Florida!

colorado beer is so damn good! i had a really hard time finding good beer during my cali adventure. like 1 place had blue moon and any new belgum beer was somewhat available. that was it. everyone drank wine. bah! i actually liked the humidity in the bay tho, and the lack of air up here almost killed me the first week i was back.. but in the end i too missed colorado. even tho i dont admit it openly eeek

yea.. as for shows and whatnot i got nothing. im still working rediculous hours at work until the 24th or so frown weekends are the only real free time i get until things slow down .. of course theres always the obligatory coffee adventures. at any rate, im sure something fun will spring to mind, its not like we live in iowa or something wink
Ok, so I think my opinion of Miami is biased. I spent the week at the Biltmore Hotel in Coral Gables, and the most luxurious food, stayed in a room larger than my apartment (with a 42 in flat-screem plasma TV in the living room,...that's right it had muliple rooms, and at $574 per night it better have), swam in the largest pool in the...
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ahh leaving sunny miami for the perpetual rain that is colorao lately! im not aware of any spectacular shows going on, but i also havent looked either whatever i havent been back long and ive been working like a loser.. but excitement is required and ill dig up some stuff.
Fuck the results from the Astrophysics Ph.D. Qualifying exam! I'm not going anywhere!

I realize that I only update this when I am mad....not good. I'm actually quite a happy person.....guess that's why there are so few entires...at least I hope so.

Got my hair re-dyed.....it is so cool!!!! and yet natural (ie all colors are in the ROY category).

Birthday on Thrusday smile smile smile smile smile

West Palm...
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damn, i havent heard from you in ages! glad to see the hurricanes havent got ya yet..

im workin in the devner tech center but living in lousiville for now frown the drives brutal.... im gonna be moving closer to work after i save some cash and find a roomate again. lifes crazy right now but its finally on track.

hows things on your end?? MS workin out?
glad to hear you're not blown away by yet another hurricane. my whole time in cali was blissfully free of earthquakes smile sounds like you have a tone more schooling to do tho.. but who can say they have a phd? besides you in a few more years.

the job is animation... i wouldnt have moved back from cali for anything else. surprisingly enough i loved cali a lot.. i want to move back if at all possible in a few years.

i think i wanted to say more, but my brains fried frown this job has me working well over 40 hours a week right now, so i need sleep.. hope all is well in florida.
M.S. Baby!!!!!

smile smile smile smile smile
Well, things haven't started to look up yet. But, I at least have people on my side and who will stand up for me. So, we'll see.

I hate how the world isn't fair.....or is this what I really deserve?
my strong, deep rooted beliefs that karma is quite existant is at times the only thing that keeps me from adding a new gash parallel to my radius and ulna or getting that high powered rifle and finding the nearest clock tower. seriously tho, i hope whatever is amiss rights itself.

i havent taked to you in quite a while, hows things in sunny florida besides the obvious?

I feel so sad and helpless! frown
So, I forgot that all you need to get laid in a college town is to sit on a curb with a box of pizza when all the bars let out.......then every drunk frat boy will ask you if you want to share a cab or if you give out free hugs puke .......come on boys.......I sure as hell don't miss being an undergrad