well, I'm a moth.

Hello to the few of you paying attention!

Uni is eating my life right now, but in a good way and I'm mainly a happy K. NO real news. I have blisters on my blisters from the fieldwork, and then going back to 'normal shoes' and walking on pavements/ hard surfaces a lot.

My bedroom is less messy, but alas not...
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I'd much rather have 'not much sex' than my usual no sex at all.

Sorry your feet hurt. I try not to walk unless I have to - helps prevent blisters in the first place.
Hey, have fun on the Isle of Wight! Yup, the busy return to uni...likewise, i hafta get my dissertation wrapped up by Christmas, so need to start working on it again properly soon! wink smile The sea air is usually a postive influence, i think. Something to do with ionised air...or something.... whatever

Thanks for the comment btw...i may go an adventure this weekend. The dealership fixing my car have loaned me a 330ci convertible while mine's repaired, and are charging the l'il old lady 250 a day in rental fees for the pleasure, which i feel represents some kind of poetic justice...so need to think of somewhere fun to go in it... wink

You have a great w/e,
spk soon,
m. smile wink
Ok, SG has eaten my afternnon. I HAVE to clean the bedroom.
Sex in a messy room is not so much fun frown

So I'm off, for now.

but I'll be back, moth to candle etc


Just so you know, you have to reply to people's comments by leaving a comment in their journal, not your own.

Once people read your entry and comment on it, they won't see any comments left after that.

That's why I asked about your PhD again, cuz I didn't realize you had answered that way. smile

Very nice looking place that Italy is. Someday I hope to see it, or any part of Europe for that matter.

Why was Naples scary?
Sex in a messy room!? I'd keep trying to tidy things up hoping the other 'protagonist' didn't notice! wink smile

So, how's life back in Southampton? Some great south coast weather we had this w/e, eh!? wink
nice pics, sunset one is odly soothing yet hypnotysing!
A really good set of pictures
I'm back, but I need to get to some image processing software before I can post my photo's.

They are all waaaay too big to put her till I've fucked about with them a bit.

I've been back 4 days and I'm still settling back in, so I'll send proper messages tomorrow when I'm working from home in the AM, do a little lurking and...
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Hee hee. I need to do them in uni as I don't have the right software at home, but I can't look at SG from uni (I could maybe blag it as post-feminist punk, and therefore research, but methinks it wouldn't wash!)

I have 3 months to do my masters thesis, then a month off, and then barring disasters I start the PhD in January!!!

Naples was cool if a little scary.
cia smile
Ciao Regazzi!

(or, hey guys)

I'm sat a stones throw from the Vatican as I write this, which amuses me somewhat considering th nature of SG vs the nature of the Catholic Church.

It's been hard to update as I've mainly been online in places I can't really use SG.

I was expecting to be home by now, but instead the Naples gig is definite...
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What's a burnoose? I'm too lazy to Google it. smile

Did you explain to the pesky guys that you aren't into men? Or does that just spur them on further?

Sorry you didn't make any amazing discoveries. But you've had fun anyway, right?

Sounds like it.

Can't wait for the pictures.

And yes, I know I think too much, and need to actually do stuff instead of just thinking about doing stuff. I took some big risks that same night, and I need to think about the positives of that evening, and not the little negatives.

You should have commented there, so people could see you, and maybe wonder who you are, and check you out. smile

Yeah, I'm a pest that way.

Have fun in Naples!

Well we've now done the first 2 fields of our site and there are some interesting bits showing in one corner. Not looking like buildings but could be evidence of human activity with the lagunal areas, eg dredging of channels. We've done about 10 or 11 ha so far and we have about the same to do again. Tomorrow we are going to Portus (hadrians...
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Sounds like you're having fun.

I'm glad. And yes, if you can make some more money by staying longer, then by all means, do so.


Now you just have to make some sort of major discovery. smile
Sounds like a great project! I always used to wonder how archaeologist could excavate ditches. It's like, how can you find a hole if it's not a hole any more? But now i understand it's to do with identifying changes in soil compositin and suchlike. All very complex whatever

On the matter of 'phone bills, have you thought about using some kind of internet telephony? Skype for example? If you can get to an internet connection with it's way cheaper (well, free). My buddy Sameek at uni has family in India and he uses it all the time to stay in touch with them. May be a better way to fight the absent-bf-blues, eh? wink I realise you may not be able to do that in an internet cafe, but if you have a laptop that you could take to a cafe with a wireless hotspot or something it could be an option...

I know what you mean though. My first job after graduating was in Eindhoven and i missed my gf so much i spent all my spare wages on flying to see her every other w/e. 1990...Before the days of cheap European flights....whatever

Anyway, you have fun,
spk soon.
x. wink smile

smile smile

I'm sooooo happy and stuck in italy and can't celebrate with any of my good friends or BF...

Here is what I've been up to:

I'm in an internet cafe in roma at the moment and today I'm phootling around on my own. I plan to visit the Trevi fountain, the Spanish steps and the vatican museums and sistine chapel. I...
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I'm so happy for you.

That's so wonderful.

Sounds like you're having fun, even if you haven't made any great discoveries yet.

I hope you have lots of memory for your camera. Wouldn't want you to miss taking pictures because you can't store anymore.

Glad you're having fun, and enjoying the food so much too.
Yay, go you - you got on the Phd! wink smile

Excellent work, well done!!

So jealous of you out in Itlay, must be awesome....brings back memories of my trip there last year. You'r so right about the food...and the laidback attitude...and the mad drivers....i love it! love

Look forward to seeing those pics soon...get 'em up , babes!

Ciao dude,
x. smile wink
Ok, I've been tagged by Northern with this 20 things thingy (that was a lot of things!) so here goes (I think they are really boring, but there you are)

1. I have to take my piercings out to do my fieldwork as I cant have any metal near me, at all. Explaining this to my supervisor for the first time was not much fun...
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Flame-haired little cherub? That's so cute. Makes me wish you had some more pics of yourself here.

Okay, if we ever meet, I'll make sure I scrub really hard, cuz I'll be worried about how I smell.

You keep making me look up words, like aubergine. Sometimes it's hard to remember we both speak the same language. smile

How did you get carpet burn on your lip?

Your piercing is located where? biggrin

Being restrained is a lot of fun done by the right person, but there's a huge issue of trust - that's what makes it so thrilling when you trust them.
Hey, thanks, you have a great time in Italy. I do hope that the weather is kind to you. Enjoy some pasta & wine for me! smile wink

Hey, a great "20 things", btw. A few ruminations...

1) How come? Does your fieldwork have to do with magnetic resonance imaging, or somesuch....pls explain..... wink

3) They're like mini trilobites. A little peice of the pre-cambrian era right in your own backyard, eh?

4) Agreed, and 5 & 6, no i don't beleive it was innocent either! surreal

9) I'm with you on that. Although I think the Himalayas just shade it for me in the natural beauty stakes. But it's a close one, alright.

16) Me to. I'm a ninth level half-elf ranger. Female, natch. My stats are: Str 13; Int 17; Wis 19; Con 18; Dex 14; chr 14. They're my stats in real life, too.

17) Phew, a complex triangle!

18) Me too.

19) Y'wee force of nature! smile wink

Have a great break, spk soon,
Wow. A whole month with no posts. No fear- I'm not dead!

I worked a LOT up unto my last post, then I've had some time off, went to the 17Th Century for a bit (long story- I do re-enactment and was teaching a horde of schoolkids about the English Civil Wars), then my PC blew up and I've only just got back online.

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Off to Italy? So jealous!!! I was in te Italian alps with some pals last Spring...have you been before? You'll love it!

Where are you planning on doing your PhD? I was about to enrol on a PhD at Keele (just finishing my MBA dissertation now), but then got this job move to Brighton....too disrupted for that now.....

Civil war re-enactment? My buddy made himself a suit of chainmail from spring washers he stole from his factory job. Absolutley true. Do you give the v-sign to French people lots? Or is that just a myth... smile

have fun, spk soon,
Good luck with the interview! I'm sure you'll do well.

Big change - quitting your job to study full-time. Must be a bit scary.

I have a life again. It's saturday and I slept in till 10, and now I'm just lazing about (not even dressed yet ;-) )... this is a novel experience!

I'm going to take some sage advice from my canadian cheering squad (thanks northern12!) and lurk about on the site, try talking to some people.

I still want things too much... I need to...
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Don't lurk! Participate! smile

Lurking is looking at stuff on the site and never saying anything. Say stuff, and people will love ya!
Hee hee.

Been reading some of the journals and stuff from the SGUk guys, they sound like fun....

As you can tell I'm having an HOUR off, yep that's right, one whole hour to enjoy SG and eat pizza.

Essay vanquished! Just gotta do my geophysics... it's all looking brighter now!

Listening to the chilli peppers on a compilation made by the guys who I...
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SG and pizza must make for a greasy keyboard. smile
Remember, trying is the first step towards failure. And the second mouse gets the cheese.

It is all part of the slacker's commandments. wink