So I haven't been on for a few days and that has to do with basically losing two of my best friends.

It all started with my best friend's (Britt) boyfriend, Bama...who, incidentally, is my future brother-in-law. On Saint Patrick's Day, he decided to procure alcohol at 10 in the morning and blitz himself into passed-out drunkenness, regardless of the fact that Britt and I...
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Thing that stood out most to me is him threatening to hit you. That's never right. He doesn't sound like a great bloke anyway (sorry if I'm insulting a friend, there is allot I don't know. History etc.) Sometimes people need to be told they're being a dick. Hell I know I do sometimes lol. Britt shoulda defended you but it sounds like she's woried about losing him again and didn't want to rock the boat. Do you mind if I ask a question?... Would you describe her as confident or self assured? 
@zandros No, it's okay. He's definitely not a friend. He's always been kind of a dick, but this is just icing on the cake. Even Nick can't stand him...and that's his brother. Britt has always been confident and self-assured. She's always been strong and willful and unafraid to tell people how it is when they take a step in the douchey direction. We've stood up for each other so many times over the years, I couldn't even put a number to it now. I'm sure she is afraid of losing him, but if the tables were turned, there's not a chance I'd just sit idly by and let it happen :/ I'm just feeling very...unloved by my "best friend" right now.

I'm grossly and violently sobbing. This song has hit me so strongly...

My dad skipped out on me when I was 6. He left for Florida to follow his mother without a look back. It was his mother, my grandma, that always brought me down to visit them every summer. He was barely around. He's still barely around. It wasn't until I was older and...
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I think it shows incredible strength on your part that you were able to overcome your former prejudices when he came along. You did it together! After all, that's what this relationship stuff is all about, right? Being, growing, and working together. 
Thank you, @javamanjaro. It's crazy to look back at myself from that time with what I know now. Smh it's almost embarrassing lol. I'm a pretty lucky person to have my eyes opened, and to be in such a good relationship that allows for legitimate growth. I can't imagine being stuck in my old, prejudiced ways. Ugh lol.

I'd never considered myself a boot person until I came across these beauties at Target. For the hella low price of $35, these babies earned themselves a spot in my shoe collection. They're comfy. They're smooth. They're simple in design, but the right pair of socks can make them pop. They go with pretty much anything. I feel like a bit of an adventurer when
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Here's to you having the adventures your shoes represent

I get to see my best friend - my Papi - today!

Lately, the walls around me have been rather compressing and home is starting to feel like a prison. I'm not shitting you - I haven't left the house in over a week. I'm currently without license (never had it), so that on top of being a stay-at-home mom of 2 makes it pretty...
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Bother away! And yes, I'm fine. I crushed two fingertips with a big ol' heavy piece of steel, putting me out of commission for an estimated four weeks. Started OT today to get my grip back. Even though my fingers still look mangled, things are healing very nicely, and I got very lucky with not having to have rods inserted. 
Be careful what you wish for! :P But no, honestly - do the same! I'm always open to talk to people. I'm just so fucking shy, it's unreal, so sometimes conversation dwindles because I have no idea what to say. *sigh* Character flaw. But I'm glad you're healing well! And seeing the silver lining certainly helps. I'm sure you'll be better in no time :)

Today marks the 5th anniversary with my LOML, best friend, partner in crime, and THE best Daddy to our babies, Nick. We've had our ups and downs, but I wouldn't trade them for the world. He's made me a better person and I'm lucky to be able to say he's mine and I'm his.

Congrats!  You two are a very cute couple!
^_^ Thank you, @bl8228! xx

Depression is an ocean.

For some it's like the waves, ebbing and flowing, ever persistent and never-ending. Some waves are small and insignificant, barely making a mark in the sand, while others are huge and cataclysmic, wreaking havoc on anything in its path. Some days are gentle and others are terrifying. Some days feel easy as pie until the riptide sucks you in without warning....
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Beautifully written. I am the same way. *hugs*
*hugs back* @svenshammer It's just rough. :/

Letting Go

Saint Raymond

"I run to the morning
As the nightmares chase to haunt me
Should I make a stand?

I walk in the shadows
'Cause I'm scared of what the light shows
Is there power in these hands?

I feel like a wasted soul
A hologram of skin and bones

This is the time
You know that it's right
I'm letting go
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How to Properly Argue With Your Best Friend, A Guide.

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Hell yes, @creamcuffs. I'm ready to bulk buy mics for the sole purpose of random mic drops like this.
If you know any musicians (like me), I bet they hide their mics if they know you are coming over (ha ha)

I'm so pissed! So apparently my account on my xbox got corrupted. To clarify, it was not corrupted on Microsoft's end. It was just on my xbox that it was having an issue. In order to keep my profile and all the information from my gameplay, I'd have to format my console...which would delete EVERYTHING, including my boyfriend's profile and gameplay info.

I'm not an...
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I had this happen to me! When I contact Microsoft they were super helpful and had it all figured out in a day!
Well, I didn't have a USB on hand, so I kind of just went balls to the wall, said 'fuck it' and made a new one lol. Such a pain in the ass, but it is what it is. Now I'm just looking at it as an excuse to game even more so I can rebuild my gamerscore lol.