I am back. I amfeeling much better now. I have moved out of my home amd am taking a break away from my husband. We have agreed to work things out and I am 'cautiously optimistic' about the fate of our marriage. He has been much nicer and is willing to do counseling and look at his health.

I am also in therapy and doing...
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BLANK. I feel blank. I have lost myself. Now that I am sober and working a program, I am feeling a lot. I mostly feel like I have lost myself and empty. Could it be that the reason he is bieng so mean, that I am doing something positive for myself?

I did apply for a new job at my company. I really hope that...
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Good luck in seaching for yourself JustBlue. I've never been in such a situation so I'm afraid I don't have anything that would be insightful to say to you even though I wish there was. I could give you a cliche... "take it one day at a time", but I'm sure you get plenty of that so ... just good luck.
Don't live your life according to AA. You will not get better until you find your passion or at least start to go after it. When the old tapes start to play in our heads thats when the trouble begins. You need to find the the things that will replace the old tapes even if you only do that thing for a day and hour, try it, like it, keep it. If not, just do the next thing that you think might make you happy. Ihope if you read this you are still clean and sober. Clean and sober for over 20 yrs. didn't think much of AA, NA, etc. and don't be affarid to change sponsers or to not even have one, its someone to talk to not to tell you how to run your life.
What a great weekend so far! We cleaned up the whole living room and moved all the furniture around. It looks great! I am so glad that we could work together to get it done. I have a bunch of laundry to get done today, but I am already off to a great start. I am excited because there are two football games on today...
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Happy Birthday! kiss
Happy belated Birthday!
How did it go???
Happy Friday. I am home and waiting until it's time to go to this AA meeting near my house. I have had a really long week, even though we were off on Monday. My husband has been off work since late december and it is really stressing me out. He is grouchy and mean because he's depressed, but he won't go and get help. I...
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Happy Saturday to all. I am doing ok since I wrote last. I am struggling with trying to stay sober while my other half is hiding in the bottle, but I need to do what's good for me and the kids. I have been clean and sober since 1/08/07. I am documenting the date so I don't take it so lightly.

Anyway, we are having...
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Happy New Year. I'm back. I've been acting up a bit and didn't want to talk about it. I am ready to behave now. I am clean and sober for 4 days now. I hope that it will work this time. I am bummed bacause there's some drama in my home life that is making it really hard to stay sober, but I am going...
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Keep it up, and good luck.
Holiday Stress sucks....
While I like the parties and extra days off, I hate the stress. I am trying to keep it together while keeping my bills paid and shopping for gifts. I am afraid that I don't have the best judgment when it comes to this task.

I hope that I can make it through this season without doing too much damage (to my...
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Good luck and I hope you get the night you want.
i hope you have fun and enjoy the time alone with hubby.
at my first sober hooliday party i was the office slave so i was in charge of buying champagne and pouring glasses for the 10 or so of us that were in the office
John said "have some"
me "no thanks"
john "go on, just have one"
me "no thanks"
john "c'mon its chirstmas"
me "no thanks"
john "what, are you in AA or something?"
me "fuck you" ( i dont handle stress well)

he laughed and we're friends, but it was out of a bad movie and i had butterflies there for a while
a couple years later my boss was going through a mid-life crisis and decided it would be cool to have cocaine at the xmas party. he knew i was sober at that point so it wasnt my job to get it but ugh
It's FRIDAY!!!! I have had kind of a crazy couple of weeks. Glad I get a weekend to relax. I hope I can work on what looks like laundry mountain again. If i keep this stuff under control, it will not be so overwhelming.

Have a great weekend everyone.

Love y'all!

JB kiss
Laundry mountain kills me too. Right now it's "Laundry that I need to fold mountain" blackeyed
You have a great weekend too.
I am home with my sick kid today. I hope he is better soon. It's really no so great when I miss work, because there's so much for me to do the next day. My kid needs me and grandma isn't available today. I need to clean house and go shopping, as well as hit an AA meeting too. I hope I have time for...
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I hope your kid feels better soon. I think it's worse when the kids are sick than almost anything.