updating with youtube filler cause i'm just that blase.


So i decided to get a new job. This lifting heavy shit all day isn't working out. I have been pretty busy as of late. But in my haste i didn't think that I would have two job offers on the same day. Now I have to choose between the large corporation with a bad name in the industry and the larger corporation with...
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MAR 27, 2007 04:57 PM
well i'm fucked

why are u fucked? if u still wanna be my friend you will. ive got over 300 and its stupid cuz i dont talk to most of them so i gotta do some spring cleaning. if you express an interest in staying my friend than u will be!
see no fucking. smile

i suck at internet socializing almost as much as real life. wheres a stripper when ur really lonely and need one???

my therapist says i'm tooooo intelligent for any of the careers that i've chosen. i'll have to break it to him that i just know alot of big words and cheated on the iq tests.

howe did i cheat???? im sure ur asking yourself......
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I always tell people that I'm too good looking to work. Or socialize.
Some of them believe me, which is worrysome.

Never underestimate the power of knowing big words and how to cheat.
The latter, when done correctly, takes more talent than most people could ever aspire to.

snitches and talkers get stitches and walkers

one day i'm going to grow up and the world will be in trouble...

PA's pretty shitterific... I'm sure it has more than one shithole.
Ehh... kinda close to Allentown
I hope this year will be better than last,
i hope there will be less hospitials and more laughs.
i hope there will be less cops and more making new friends.
i hope there will be less attempts on my own life and more growth and matruation.

but most of all i hope this price albert heals soon so i can stop bumping it and...
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ouch. I hope it heals fast too.
it wasn't too hard to find smile fear and nervousness kinda have the same effect as cold water hehe

hope you enjoyed your new years and 07 treats you well smile
christmas was a bust <except for the food>

but i think my birthday is going to be awesome.

she already said no to dinner

who's thinking strippers *raises hand*

thank you. smile

hope you had a great birthday!
im finding that my shyness toward the opposite sex is my greatest downfall.

hooray for missed opportunities blackeyed
so busy during the holidays you kinda forget what their about and stuff. hopefully everyone will understand my lack of resources.

this has been possibly the worst year ever, but i hope everyone will see how much i've changed(for the better) this year.

14 days till my birthday

so what do you want for christmas?

na, I'm always nice to customers LOL you're welcome and thank you too
and the end of the week was actually better than midweek smile

i really can't think of anything I want for christmas and really just rather give this year. i just hate stressing about what to give and shopping for it.
i got my boys what they want and that's what matters the most

hope you have a nice holiday and a happy birthday too!