So, yeah, it's my birthday. Yay, Friday the 13th! I've been waiting for this bd since 09(my last Friday the 13th bd) but now that it's here, I didn't do shit. Had a chemistry exam tonight that I was in the library reviewing for all damn day. Pretty sure I failed that shit. I'm getting up at like 4am tomorrow to support my sister during...
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Thank @midnightsun!! I've always loved having my bd on the 13th! There are plenty stories but mostly just tales of drunken debauchery. 😎
Oh I can imagine!!😅Happy to hear it was another good one😘

I've been going through following a bunch more people(lots of hopefuls) & showing some love on photos and blogs! I'm not much of a commenter, so often I feel like many of the comments on pictures come across so awkwardly, & I don't mean just my own comments. I was just looking through a page & saw that one guy used the word "delectable" in...
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Oh Life. lol. I've come to really enjoy the changes that life brings over time. some for better, others for worse, some aren't good or bad, just different. When I lived in Columbia, SC, I went through several different changes: from retail management to broke college student, single to engaged & back to single(whew, I dodged a bullet there!LOL), single dog owner to two dog...
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