mic, this is for you. i told you i'd do it eventually.

i'm playing hookie from work today. it's exhilerating as well as stressfull. i know that i'm screwing over my whole office and i know tht i left a lot of things undone when i left last night. it will all come back to bite me in the ass sooner or later. but, my...
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so........I know its been years but I still cant stop to wonder about you. How you are doin...what you are up to..I know that I made things bad but If it werent for someone to make things worse we would still probably talk..I truly felt like I was one the right path but stupidly felt obligated to see "that" out. I hate that I did but I am so very grateful for the one great thing I did get out of it. I know I made a HUGE mistake by letting you go but I know now that life doesnt necessarily make things easy to give us what we truly need to make things into perspective...I adore my greatest mistake and regret that I even considered "her" due my time. As the years have gone by it has very much proven how worthless she was/is...And how much I blew it with someone who truly (in hind-sight) couldve been perfect for me...Everything that I every wanted in a woman..I hope that things could rekindle between us but I seem to never be able to find you again...Very disappointing but this is how the cookie crumbles and only fate shall say if I will ever get another chance to actually truly get to know you, all over again....I have always considered you the "one that got away". Im sorry.

skull me
wow... i havent been on here in forever. probably because i cant/wont access this website at work (i dont want to get fired). so much has changed since my last up date. in fact too much to list. i thank all of you for your comments over the past months. hopefully i'll find some time to get on here soon and make a real post....
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she does live....i thought that i lost you there....how the hell are you and when you gonna put up a real pic already....i hope all is well and you should seriously write me back soon.....outie...

skull bloodymic
so almost everything in my life is fucked up right now. my car needs 4 new tires, has started leaking oil (badly), and on top of that last friday my gas tank rusted out while i was at work and spilled 25 gallons of gas all over the lehigh valley mall parking lot. so my car has been in the shop for the past week....
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Ah, that was your gas. Sorry about parking in it.
frown That sucks big time. Maybe I can help with the car and even the new job. Im a job coach and I have every possible job-search engine @ work. Keep your head up smile things aren't that bad, there's always some one willing to lend a hand wink keep in touch!
i am so fucking happy right now. i just completed my first quarter of college. and i think i did pretty well. i got a 100% on my final psychology project and when i told my mom she started crying and when i told my dad he said, "100%? holy shit, becky! that's great. i mean damn it, shit, aw hell that's teriffic!" my parents...
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"Viva Mexico! Viva Juarez! Viva el 5 de mayo!"
i'm getting a new tattoo today... i'm kind of nervous. no one can come with me and hold my hand. frown oh well.

i'll post more later. maybe i'll even figure out how to get a pic of it up.
Happy Easter! kiss
How did the ink come out?
so things are going uber well for me. i got promoted to assitant manager last week, i got a 97% on my psych test and and a 98% on my business test, and i'm with a really sweet guy who treats me like a princess. i've been catching up with some friends that i havent talked to in forever recently and that's made me really...
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Glad to hear you're doing well...been awhile scince I heard anything from you. But then again I've been sans-internet for sometime.
so it's been a while since i've updated; i've been really busy. going to school and working full-time eats up most of my time and then throw the fact that i have a man in there.... i'm surprised that i have any spare time at all. too tell you the truth i'd really rather be with him right now than be sitting here alone surfing...
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love Happy Valentine Day! love
Gosh what were you flippin thinkin????(Napolean Dynomite)

I'm so glad to hear that you are doing good...Sorry if i was being a freak for a while...I just am directly connected to how she felt so it was very hard and things aren't easy but my journal says more about that....
.....So boyfriend...?.....Hmmmm.....Very nice....I hope you are happy and that things work out very well for you. Give me a shout and we'll chat ...... smile
why is it that everytime i'm really tired and just want to go to bed i always get involved in something first?it's always the same thing too. i'll go online to 'just check my email' and then that turns into 'i'll just check SG quick. before you know it i've played 12 games of free cell and it's at least an hour later?

i've been...
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Get some sleep!!!!
so i made it through my first college class. it was.... fun? interesting; i'll put it that way. but i know that i'm going to have some problems staying awake through it. mostly because it a saturday morning class and it goes from 8 a.m. to 1:30 in the afternoon. luckily my teacher let us out a little after 12 today and said that that's...
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