Just discovered 'massage porn'. Holy Moly! I must try that sometime. Any volunteers? ARRR!!!
Thursday was the day all the lady caterpillars transformed into butterflies round here. Friday was the day it started raining. Life sucks. oink
I think I've got a new crush.

No, seriously, this is a weird time of year. Cold and darkness make me rather emotional. Bring on the real fracking winter, not this sad, soggy excuse. EL SUICIDO LOCO
That certainly wouldn't be a bad way for little relaxation smile
Again, it's been a long, long time since the last post. Lots going on in the world, but perhaps not mine. Time for some adventure methinks. Up to the mountains this weekend, try and find some sex in the snow ARRR!!!
Has it really been almost a year since I posted anything?

It's almost summer again and it feels like the right time for a change. Relationship on the down. Work flat. Brain opening up to new things. Any suicidegirls wanna run away with me ARRR!!!
Thanks a lot for the comment on my set!
I've been banned from tagging.


I don't know why I've been banned, though I do have a suspicion: I tagged one set 'Stupid Americans', not because of the set itself but because of the tag left behind by another user ("It's vagina, stupid"), who was obviously commenting on a third person's tag (vagine) without taking into account the context of the set (the SG...
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Hey girls, isn't it time you turned the clock back to the 1950s?

thanks for the set comment! hehe
The new Bond is the best Bond.

Somehow, the Broccolis have managed to produce a sequel/prequel that is better than all the previous films. And yes that includes yours, Sean.

This Bond is clever without being smarmy.

He's hard without being ridiculous (though the poison scene was a bit much).

And he's not surrounded by bimbos, which says something about how far we've come since...
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