Hola amigos. It's been a while since I've rapped at ya.

Well, the reason for breaking my silence is this unholy monstrosity, created by yours truly:

Kelis - Milkshake (Methadrene Remix)

Yes, the world was crying out for an electro/industrial remix of the milkshake song, and I obliged them.
I think we should divide the world up into two groups.

People who love Nine Inch Nail's "Only", and people who hate it with a burning passion.

Where do you belong?
your in the group,

Hmm, now i have never understood this. I like them, i think they are "okay" but i seriously don't see what all the huge fuss is about. I loved the fragile album. But the downwards spiral is just weak. It's not heavy enough, or anything enough. It just doesn't kick me in the balls like an album should whatever
So I've been sick the last few days. Today after getting worse instead of getting better, I realized that "Hey! I have medical insurance now, I should go to a freakin doctor!"

He gave me Amoxicillin, Nasacort nasal spray, Alavert and Tussi-Organidin-NR (cough syrup)

I go home, take the first dosage of the nasal spray, antibiotics and cough syrup, and shortly thereafter lie down to...
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Hey I'll be in STL on Sat anyway you and your girlfriend want to hang sometime ?

[Edited on May 11, 2005 1:13PM]
Recent News:

Work goes well. People continue to pay me to help design websites for cat litter and whatnot, so that is good.

DJing has been more or less succesful. I'm currently looking for more places to spin.

I'm a bad influence. (On a related note, friends should not get too drunk on their birthday that I have to take them home before we go...
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I'll help you clear out that beer if you like mate biggrin
Heh. I'm actually throwing a beer drinking night/mini party on Friday, with the sole intention of clearing out all my beer.

If you can make it from England to St. Louis, go for it.
Sweet Baby Jesus.

This has been a damn fine week for Suicide Girls!

After I joined back in December, I fairly quickly went from looking at naked chicks to spending most of my time here on the forums and whatnot. Then lately things have been busy and seeing what's up on the SG Music Board have been a much lower priority. I'd still pop on...
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My return to DJing was last night. Some thoughts:

I could tell I was a bit out of practice. It goes much easier when you know all the songs by heart and know exactly "Oh, this song starts off quiet, and the beat hits in at 12 seconds, and then fades out" and "OK, I just played Song X, that flows into Songs Y and...
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I am probably one half of the "bored" couple. We left part way through so I can see how you would get that impression. It wasn't anything against your DJing or anything like that just that the night didn't seem to come together at all for me. We were there a little early and were the only ones there and the guy working there didn't even know anything about it (and just for the record you probably have a conflict for tonight someone else is booked for the same slot so um I hope that works out). The show didn't get started until late and well even your friends didn't seem all that into it and seemed to be more happy to be hanging out with their little group. She is kinda new to the music and I've been trying to get her into it more but no one there seemed to be really digging it. By the time we left no one had even stepped onto the dance floor. I'd been really hoping for a different atmosphere and was even hoping to maybe get a chance to spin myself at a later date but the night just seemed like a bust to me. The music was excellent though. Most of the stuff I really enjoyed I already own though. I just honestly felt like an outsider there. Like since I didn't know anyone else I was just gonna hang out with the girl I was with and when she wanted to go I couldn't think of any good reason to stay. I'll check it out another night (not tonight since there is possibly a conflict and all). I basically had all the same complaints that you did about the atmosphere and everything but not knowing anyone else there it was tough to justify stayingfor what was shaping up to be a mediocre show. I'd love to keep talking with you about this. I think the night really has potential to be good but for me at least it didn't come together well enough to make much of an impression on me. Hopefully tonight's works out. Let me know.
djing is really fun sometimes!

peace from switzerland
well balls i have
it's okay to be scared.
thanks for looking!
More music, this time, something totally stupid!

Yeah this is time and energy I could have spent on my "real" music, but I had a strange compulsion to make a full techno version of The System Is Down.

Lo Fi

Hi Fi

Warning, if you don't like insanely long, rediculously repetative electronic music, you won't like this. Also, if you're not a homestar runner fan,...
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Queen rules
Well if your showing Harold and Maude then you rule too.
After all the great comments and ego boosting from posting the link to my unfinished hip hop track, I figured I'd spend a moment to pimp out my major creative endeavor that's out there online.

Doors and Windows is a webcomic/graphic novel/whatever that I did about a year and a half two two years ago. (It took me 6 months to tell the whole story.)...
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bookmarked. I'll read it later when i have more time smile