being arrested makes eric sad. when eric is sad he dosnt talk to girls, and if they ask him out on date he tells them no. haha i am funny guy.
come visit.
mother fucking pool party and a new digi camera make eric really FUCKIN' happy.
why do i always think everything is about me? is it because most of the time it is? i dont know. maybe i read into things alittle to much, or maybe i dont. i know for a fact that i have a lot of pull on people, but its not always a good pull.... most of the time its not a good pull, must people...
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sometime when i am driving around, pertending to work, in this great shithole we call la i will see a sg sticker on someones car. i want to leave them a little note letting them know they rock, but then i stop cause i dont want them thinking i am a "creepy lurker" guy. there is this one car i see all the time, and...
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this is the only blog i have no one reads, so its the save one to write in, no time for boobies right now. maybe when i get home there will be time before bed.

the girl i like, likes someone else. i dont know what to do right now. do i put it all out there, and talk to her about. or do i...
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for the record i miss two people. one is my dad and i cried a little for him today. i miss him a little more then the other person. the other person dosnt even know it. she thinks i am happy, but shes wrong. i should have been greedy and told her "yes, you should just stay here with me" when she started talking her...
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you know, to be completely honest, i just dont take you for the girlfriend type. i dont know why, maybe its the increasing number of booty you have (had). or the distinctive picky-ness you got for girlies. and how you pay attention to detail like, shaving of the legs or well-kept hair or nice skin that looks like plastic, tattoo art . . .

but let me tell ya, whoever you decide to stick it to for more than a week or what not, even more so, MISS . . . that chick must be some pretty darn good looking, very strong women. so i commend that.

and i feel for ya, about your daddy. it took me a long time to get over mine. i'm still not - but having good friends really helps . I'm here for ya . . . kiss
just got home from gabes, where i just ripped a shit load more music to this bad boy. tonight was all about jacking cds i dont have from gabe. go me, and go gabe letting me sit there for a few hour just putting music on the new mac.
i hate having a room mate. thank god this shit will soon all be over, 32 days and i am free. i will have to put all all my stuff into storage till i find "home". on a side note: i have been thinking life wouldnt be so bad not drinking, but do i really want to change that much of who i am for...
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so i have been gone for a long time. and now i am back, right before i have to go away again. i got a macbook pro cause i have to move back in with my mom for a few months. i think at first not having to get up till about 30 mins before work will make me more happy then losing my apt....
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