things are starting to look up, even if dan hate me. i wonder how long that will go on. most likely forever he is just as big of a dick as i am. i am going to the river. got to see a boat man. good drunken times will be had with him.
so yeah i totally fuckered up my plans for tuesday night. i just sat at home watched movies with gia and collin. but in the end i think i was better then what i was planning. odd how something you plan on doing for months can just fall out of your brain. time to go out and get shity.
today is a good day. one of the best i have had in year. yes fucking years. i am enjoying life, and i havnt been layed in months... ok more like a month, but still thats a long time. today was so good the whole sexpause thing dosnt bug me. tonight i didnt drink cause i am sad, i drank cause i was happy. damn...
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moving on to something on a happier note, flying out to ny on wed. fuck yeah. thank you dan i love you. will be back on mon and oh yeah fuck work.

"saddness is for poor people!" just kept telling yourself that.
yeah man, sucks that I won't be in NY with you guys. Denver was fucking cool, but NY would have been a lot cooler. Have a fuckin good time though. See you when you get back.
yay for you. you get to go to all these cool places and i'm not so sure you even deserve it.

maybe if you got me a snow globe from there - then maybe you might deserve it. or maybe if you came over and watched deadalive with me, then possibly . . .

i hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate eric jensen, but no one cares. i think i will go die now.
WHAT!?? that guy's awesome!!
why i love tyler for sg.

"if only chicks would stay twelve forever"

the end.
god damn it, i love gabriel. i really need to start hanging with him more. he is like the big brother i never had. why the fuck am i typing this here he ill never see it, i am going to call him and let him know all this.
wow look at that i am sitting at home all alone. well at less i will be going to bed some time soon. bog how lame. i need to met some people up here in north hollywood, or at less figger out somewhere it go hang out. my life feeds so empty.
You missed the ultimate dance party last Saturday.

tisk tisk.

AC/DC fuckin rocks. end of story.
fucking about time... i have the internet again. now i need a desk so i am not sitting on the floor. i am going not leave my new apt for days now. haha. its good to be back.
DUDE! Fathers Day was like so a year ago!

Come to the Crest tonight - Christian and Daniel are playing a show.

I miss you too.
fucking mall sucks my ass. all i needed to find was a new black tie. did i? fuck no. ok so how about some new shirts? no you cant have any new shrits, cause everyone is a fat ass and we only have large and xlarge and xxlarge and some xxxlarge, but no fucking smalls. damn it all.
fuck those fat people who don't wear black ties!!
samtoft: of course you are going to drink
jackslasthope: i know
jackslasthope: and i am going to send to much time on myspace
jackslasthope: when i should be eating and maybe taking a shower
samtoft: hahaha
jackslasthope: i hate this page
jackslasthope: no i love it
jackslasthope: no i dont
samtoft: hahaha
samtoft: you totally love it
So lets go to disneyland for my birthday!!! bok