Moved into my brothers, blown a couple good processors and motherboards, realized my love for my ex and mother of my son is still powerful, feel trapped at work, don't make enough money to support myself completely, and then there's the family stuff. I blame the fucking lousy holi-fucking-days for that one. puke skull

I may up and move out west. I can't handle all of this....
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you still alive?! surreal
im sorry! good luck with everything!
Well, I'm mostly moved in. I have to go to my apartment today (later, after I wakeup) and move my furniture to my friend's basement, and then clean the joint. puke blackeyed

Had a good first couple days of vacation. Definitely relaxing. The nice part is having 8 days more. VERY exciting.

Anyhow, in Winchendon, MA for the time being. Leave some love. (Yes, we should definitely...
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Tell your loser brother to scrape up the money to renew his account! It's disconcerting to see his little name in gray.
i want a vacation!
Ah, another Monday. This Monday is different though. It's different because Thursday is Thanksgiving. Not a day I'm particularly fond of, in the traditional sense. I am excited this year however, because it marks the start of a sweeeeeeet and much needed vacation.

I carefully planned this, to maximize consecutive days off, while using the minimum amount of vacation time.

So, starting 11/27 through the...
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Mmmm dirty martinis...mmmmm love

ENJOY your vacation!
Too bad you gotta move. But since you'll be closer it gives us all a reason to hang out.
I just upgraded my computer so it's hardcore like RAWR. biggrin

Yeah, I'm a computer geek. Dig it.

Anyhow, today promises to be an interesting day.

I have an early meeting with a dick. True to the word, this guy calls my work, and requests (more like demands) a quote. He gets it. He bitches. He asks (demands again) for a meeting to discuss possible design...
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mad blackeyed puke mad blackeyed puke mad blackeyed puke to that neighbor.
I live alone! My "houseguest" who somewhat overstayed her welcome got on an airplane this morning!

So, until the end of the month when I give this place up, I'll be living alone. Then I stay with my brother for a short time, until I get a new place, or find a roommate.

*Whew* This is getting complicated.

BTW: Britney was on TV last night,...
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Hey there. I just saw your comment on my set. I'm glad I made the favorites list, thanks! wink
do you really have the same birthday as me?
Got some new PC parts coming, got a mess of Christmas shopping done.

(Since I'm not paying rent anymore. I'll be at my brother's at the end of the month for a short time)

I bought David a DVD burner, which is cool.

I haven't sold my camera, which is great! I'm going to go on some photo taking trips soon! Just drive around aimlessly...
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why thankyou sweetie blush
I have a date on Sunday. wink

Look at her pictures love

(She's Lisa)

Going to be great. smile

Well.. it's now another Monday.

I'm getting ready to move out. I'll be at my brother's place in Winchendon, MA for a few weeks. I'll be looking for a new roommate. This is always tough, as I have Caleb ever-other weekend and most young ppl aren't down with that.

We'll see what happens. For now, I'm riding this storm out and trying to not get...
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Roomates suck. puke
So I'm scaared about Friday. I have to have a biopsy cause something or other is up with some lumps behind my ears. Lymph nodes, blah blah. Eesh. skull

Wish me luck. eeek
Good luck frown

Good luck, man.
After a sweet however unrelaxing weekend, I'll now head back into work and carry myself in a professional manner.

I will be friendly and courteous on the telephone, and will not chew my nails.

I will satisfy every asshole mother fucker's issue, while stroking his ego gently.

I will gag on all of this and love it.

:sigh: Happy Fucking Monday Everyone. puke
Mondays suck asshole
So does every fucking road in fucking RI being torn apart and sitting in hours of traffic to go 3 feet.
puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke blackeyed