I'm getting intoxicated yet again... I wonder why can't i stay in this state forever I mean i feel kind of good in it. I suppose you have to take the good with the bad. Things only feel really good because others feel really bad right? I suppose that's the advantages of having a shit life even the small things bring you great joy every...
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I went to see Sin City tonight with my friends. I have to say I enjoyed it after all it had pleantly of cartoonish violence. There was some annoying dork behind us though that kept saying out loud that he approved whenever he saw a part that he enjoyed. Such as in the scene where the man is getting electrocuted. Yeah some people shouldn't be...
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Glad things are looking up for you.
yeah I decided to try looking up instead of down. tongue
My hands have been real dry lately I need to get some lotion. whatever

It looks like Tatum and Tony have found a place. I'm going to have to check it out this weekend it's someplace in stow. Bridgewater or something like that I don't know but it sounds alright. Tatum said something about a tennis court and fitness center and maybe a pool table somewhere....
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oh that doesnt even sound good
it was in the beginning. it made a lot of good points, then it just turned into crap. i assumed it to be good since it was recommended by an intelligent, open-minded, awesome individual (but later turned into an asshole). you know.. i think that's about when the book went downhill too. haha.
After class today I guess I'm going apartment hunting with Tony. I should be getting a new place in June which is cool but it will require me living with family for about a month which isn't so cool.

Wow it's almost 40 degrees out maybe I can just wear a jacket today. eeek

At least I can wear my chucks now without having my feet...
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Oh, oh.. does that mean that you'll have about a month or so of nothing to do? eeek Will your classes be over? You could come out here to visit! Don't say no!

Don't I have brilliant ideas?
my classes aren't over until the middle of may I think. Regardless I don't think I would be able to visit anywhere because I don't have money and Ihave to try to work a lot more when I get off of school. I need to try to sort of get myself out of the giant hole I've put myself in.
I'm drinking again... I like being in this state really it makes me feel good so who can fault me.

There is so much in life that can make someone unhappy but I tend to just find it amusing. Who cares?

Oh, how I wish I were drinking. ooo aaa
I wish I was drinking some more i'm bored I guess I'll just have to make do with a sugar fix... oh i wish I had some candy. shocked
Right now I'm just attempting to study for my intelligence and personality testing class but it's not going so well. I'm getting increasingly tired of looking over reliablity, validity, and all the other stuff that goes along with it. I don't think even my statistics class was this boring but then again I have become a real slacker as of late.

I've been up and...
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Yeah I smoke for self destruction. I doubt I'll ever be able to quit. I've been waiting for a calm time in my life to quit but it never comes.

I think you've a good idea about how to begin to control things deciding to start with the social anxiety. Working on that and learning to deal with/work through problems effectively can't be a bad thing. Seems to me you're already working on things by realizing what the problems are and making a decision to fix 'em. Kudos.
Thanks for the compliment on my new set. wink love
I don't feel good at all right now and I hate life. frown
Anything I can do for you? Life is crappy at times. I'm sorry and not too sure of what to say. If I can do anything or help you at all then let me know.
It's okay if some people dislike you or disapprove of you sometimes. In fact, it's inevitable whatever
Name: David
Age: 26
Sex: Man
Hair: brown
Eyes: blue
Height: 6'2
Weight: 145-150
Birthplace: Oh
Location: Lakewood, oh


1) What is your sexual preference? I like girls
2) Who was the first person you ever had a crush on? this girl in headstart that was my first girl friend.
3) What was your first date like? I dont remember my first date....
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I wouldn't mind stretching my lobes or getting a few other body mods but I always worry that it will cause trouble when I finally get into my profession. Since I want to go into school psychology and all I don't think they would allow things like that. It's kind of disheartening that someone can't look like they want but instead have to fit this image of what is seen as professional. ARRR!!!
Oh I say fuck that. Most people don't even notice when people gague their lobes. I know I don't.. not unless they're huge. You can always stretch to a 2ga and it's not a huge difference and I doubt it would make you not look professional.
The best thing about late night tv are the info commercials. Perhaps one day I'll be able to make my own that would be just grand.

There's nothing going on until thursday when I get to see Seinfeld. oink
Today I got some foot cream from bath and body works. I never though I would say that but really it's not that bad it's making my feet feel nice.
Bath and body works has nice, great smelling stuff. I need some foot cream. My heels are terrible and cracked. Ok, I'm being gross.
yeah my feet were getting a bit dried out as well it's all this crappy winter shit that won't go away. I want to get creams for all parts of my body now though I feel all soft and happy. I got some after shave gel for my face as well. eeek