I feel like I've been run over.

Going back to bed. puke
I'm off till Monday. Yay! A whole weekend to myself.
the whole weekend huh? what will you do...
i almost had to work today but i busted my ass
yesterday so wouldn't have to. yay me!

why does PETA make you sad???
PETA makes me sad because they do things in such a douchebaggy way that it does more harm to their cause than good. Save the Sea Kittens? Gimme a freakin' break. puke
I'm just sitting at work, waiting for patients. I might have to do a CT scan in a few minutes. Woohoo!
For some unknown reason, someone decided to renew my subscription for 3 months. Thanks, Mystery Perv! smile

So what's happened since August 2005? I've graduated from college. That asshole Greg dumped me (after three years together) for his ex and moved across the country to be with her...I'm SO glad we'll never just run into each other. I moved to Corvallis for a year to do...
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Art is always goodness.
The scent of birthday is in the air.....HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!

Now go forth, celebrate while there is still time left for the day after is "post-birthday-day" and will be devoted to stomach aches, hangovers and trying to figure out how the peanut butter got onto the ceiling.

It is the best picture of Elvis done in peanut butter I've ever seen I must admit...


Hades love
This weather sucks. Where are the goddamn thunderstorms?
I really really LOVE how my friends all seem to fucking disregard my existence at the same goddamn time.

Jonathan: "We can go shopping on Monday." No word for 4 days. Phone goes directly to voicemail with every call. Find out on Thursday that he's been sick. Phone STILL goes directly to voicemail.

Aaron: "Let's go for a bike ride today." No word on where...
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My best advice is don't punch anything, it makes your fist hurt. Other than that I've got nothing. I don't talk to my friends much, maybe once or twice a week.
Triathlon training: Day 4 (End of Week 1)

Ran 1.73 miles, swam a timed 500 meter, because that's what the instructor wanted. Took me 25 minutes, including the frequent rest breaks. Wrenched my shoulder mid-backstroke, still kinda hurts. 3 days of rest should set it right.

Still awaiting my helmets. I wonder if my friends want to ride tomorrow...
My bike is total crap right now (so is my cardiovascular health apparantly). I took it on a test run yesterday and the breaks need to be fixed in a bad way. That and I can't go up hills worth shit. Crap...
Triathlon training: Day 3

Ran 1.72 miles, swam 1000 meters. Abs hurt like a motherfucker. Shoulders, ironically, do not. I'm already noticing my swim speed increasing. I bought a new swimsuit online at about 2 a.m., hopefully THIS one will stay in place and not reveal my boobs when I dive in the pool. Also found on the same website: some nice biking clothes...bike shorts...
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WoW! A triathlon eh? Awesome. Keep it up!!
(Yesterday) Triathlon training: Day 1
Ran 1.5 miles, swam 1000 meters. Arms feel like they're going to drop out of their sockets. I stink like the Creature from the Chlorinated Lagoon. I hate my new swimsuit. 2 advil and a nap made me feel better. Jonathan came over for dinner. I made Indian food. We watched "Saved"...fucking hilarious movie.

(Today) Triathlon training: Day 2
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