Life can be cruel sometimes but it sounds like you are a fighter and anything life has thrown at you will be overcome eventually!! Looking forward to seeing you back and fighting fit!

From howzam3


You coming back soon?

I 100% absolutely I'm coming back as soon as I an able. Life threw a few things in my way that may have slowed me down temporarily but I will never quit.
When you coming back homes?

Great seeing you pop up in the new feed today.  Hoping you would have been all healed up, though.  We're still pulling for you!

Thank you, I really appreciate the concern and encouraging words. It seems like it is taking forever to bounce back from this one...mostly because it kinda is. But it just takes time, right?

How's your health been?  I hope your healing is going well and you're feeling better.  Has the insurance taken care of your car situation yet?

Health is what it is, ribs and spine tend to take far longer that I'd like to heal. Thank you for your concern, better would be something of an open interpretation at this point. And yes, the car has been replaced. I was lucky enough to find another one almost identical to the one I lost.

So sorry to read about this accident.  Very thankful that you're ok.  I hope you heal up and feel better quickly!