Dear Paul Acker,

You're the man. You don't do my tattoos because I go to Mr. Munce, but I must say that this tattoo you did is absolutely perfect for helping me finish up a sleeve.

This blog entry is a certain catharsis for me because I'm going to steal. Know that I will always give you credit for the original work even though you...
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So, it's funny - I write and blog for a living - but I don't blog on here. Probably because I rarely come on here. But for today, I have a gripe...

19-year old Marine Corps Reserves on a tough guy rage. The sticker on the back of your shitty Impala doesn't make you a hard ass. Neither does the other sticker on your bumper....
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We're in chat and you're a newb, so we're going to act like 14-year olds. Yay! Also, one of us thinks he's super clever using Cockney Rhyming Slang (the wrong way because he's seen Snatch one too many times) to try and put one over on you, but just made himself look like a dick.

No, you're not special. You are certainly douchebags though.

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Rambling nonsense today. Talking to people with no faces that pretend to smile. Outstanding.

Don't spend a ton of time on here socializing, but saw a new model - Danette. Wow! It's been since Mary back in 2001 I saw someone that naturally beautiful. People talk about SuicideGirls "selling out" or "going down hill" which makes me laugh to begin with as we've all sold...
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So yeah, joined again for the first time in a while. Was an original sign up back when I first saw Mary. Of course, she's still sexy as hell. Came back today to check the site out after years. Holy hell, this is a lot of models to look at.

I may or may not steal tattoo ideas.