Little past 4am, and im very very tired, but lost the will to give a damm about sleep. Been working since Tuesday, and won't get a day off until Wed. It's starting to get to me. Thankfully I am going on vacation this coming Thursday to SOCAL for my sister Carmens wedding. I am excited for her and hope for the best. She and Billy...
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Was off for the whole weekend including today, spent most of that time online, with an outing earlier today to Borders to read up on some new manga. Eventually came home and had dinner at my dads house with my sister Maria. She is going through some difficult times with her family, and its getting worse. She holds it in, and doesn't want to talk...
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indeed! i wish i can have more but my fiance wont let me
i havent talked to you in a while, how are things with you and your family?
I miss glendale too. everything about it! god its so green and pretty there.
so how have you been?
Dorsal Asked me to post a blog, and so I shall.

I just came back from an amazing vacation trip in my home town of Glendale, CA. Was there for a week and some change, and had all sorts of fun with my sister Carmen and my friends. Went to Comic-Con as well. Met Meow and Vivid at the SG booth, both friends of Dorsal...
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Dude i get SO depressed too when i come home from a vacation to cali

Glendale, Ca is our home town, home is home and it will always be home.
i was supposed to be in los angeles the same time you were. DAMN IT! we could have hung out and ate sushi somewhere! i havent seen you in like years

You are so sweet and an amazing person to know smile